chapter 5

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    Gina's/Mia's POV

The first thing I saw when I was awake again was an old trampoline cover over head, high enough to make a first floor ceiling, in a tent like structure, in which I was present.

My head pounded and bits of the previous night's incident flashed in my mind.


My head stung, my stomach felt hollow, almost assuming a precedent gorge's recision.


My eyes felt heavy with added weight and itchy with uneasiness.


A memory flashed through my mind.
A dented wall....
A furious expression....
A lingering fear....
An overwhelming pain...
A fulfilling rage...


I remember the pacing wind, the harsh twigs on my skin, my harsh breath .....and then .....and then....
I felt a stinging sound tear through the solitude of my pychological deranged turnout.


I grew numb and fell backwards into the rickety bed, losing my consciousness.


My nose was filled with a quite refreshing scent.

That scent......
Where did I smell it?!. It smelt so familiar and yet so distant. The scent was robbing me the ability to smell properly.

This scen-......argh!!

My head began throbbing once again. But this time with less intensity that before.

I groaned and reached up to my temples......but even my arms were failing me it seemed. I looked down to meet my supposed raised hands, finding solitude in the rough tapestry of the mattress.
Imagining I  stopped midway in the air and threw my hands back to my sides, I glided my shaky sight to the slit opening adjacent my angle, probably it's entrance.

I, albeit my situation, let out a long sigh, inevitably drawing a long exhale, that'd always acquainted the deep breaths.
The variety of smell that stung my nose was so much and so exotic that threatened my nose inept.

I wanted to shake them off, but I couldn't even move my head. It felt like a prosthetic addition made on my weak neck.

Goddess, am I paralyzed??!

The only thing I was doing with ease If I might add, was blinking and breathing, and it was still so hard.
My eyelids slugged so slowly to close and open. My breathing was hoarse and ragged.

I stared blankly at the ceiling and sighed. This place sure was warm and cozy though. But I wondered whose place I was in.

I heard shuttles and rustles. Resisting the motion to check out the responsible, I chose the much more simpler path.
I didn't have the power to look at it anyway so I closed my eyes sluggishly, evened my breathing and calmed my beating heart. I didn't move nor make a sound.

There was silence for a while, before I felt someone gently engrasp my hand.

Uhmm...what is happening?..

"I'm very sorry I hurt you..."
His voice was monotonous, with a hint of passivity.
He hesitated and took a breath.

I heard a light sniffle, my hands clasped a bit tighter.

Why was this guy apologizing?..

His scent was very familiar, it gave a cold and hot feeling in my body, that erupted conflicted thoughts in different subtexts.

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