chapter 21

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At night, it was a full moon.
The wolves were all active and their wounds began to heal even faster.

The girl woke up with a sudden jolt.
Her sense had increased and her ears were heightened.
She began to scrunch and grunt sharply.

Rolling from one end of the bed to another, she expectantly fell, and landed with a loud thud.

The guards ran in to see her on all fours, gritting her teeth sharply and shaking her head hard.
She was breathing hard and her eyes changed colour from an ocean blue to a fiery red.

Her hands were growing and her face elongated.
It turned to a snout, big teeth tore out her gums.
Fur began to fill her face and soon a heafty tail grew as she began to increase in size.
She.....she was red!!!!.

Her eyes shrunk slightly into a tight sharp shape.
Strangely enough, she was not screaming, but then again, this was not her first time.

She heaved and heaved, then she stood up, and howled.
Then she fell into her human form from a blinding light, quickly covering up.

Suddenly, the guards began to hear screams. The girl seemed to hear them too.
She stood up and wobbled, limping and groaning, she reached the windows and her face paled in fear.

She began to breathe hard and fell to the floor scrambling back.

"It's them...."
She said.

"They've come for me....... "

She started to have a panic attack, no matter how hard she tried, it seemed she just couldn't breathe.
She clutched her chest lightly and shook her head.

Then the Alpha barged in, staring furiously at the girl.
"What did you do?!!"
His eyes were bloodshot and his voice was awfully low.

".....they... they'"
She was shivering in fear.

He turned to his guards
"......take her to a holding room.
We have to deal with the rogues."

He jumped out of the window, and soon a huge black wolf emerged in sight.

The girl's lips twitched and she smiled for a moment.

The Alpha was very worried and annoyed.
Maybe they should have left the girl out after all.

His forces were still recovering and from the look of things, these wolves had very unique techniques, easily falling off his lesser warriors.

He scanned the arena for a while, studying the techniques and methods they implored to attack.

It seemed, they broke the stability his warriors attacking the vital parts of his warriors.
This was no normal rogue attack, this looked very planned.
They weren't killing any of his warriors, it seemed they were just knocking them off, trying to go in.....

The way they signalled with their very attacks, their silent communication, intelligent defenses.......
No!, This was very planned....

Then that meant........
He rushed inside the pack house, running all the way to the holding room in his wolf form.

The doors were open slightly ajar, and he saw a huge figure from within.

He came in just in time and the girl, fully clothed, was cuddled in her knees, on the bed.

The two guards were still standing guard at the door and the girl was still trembling.

Had he thought wrong?.....

He quickly rushed back out.

As soon as he left, the girl raised up her head from her knees, and smiled.

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