chapter 16

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Gina's POV

The Alpha walked towards me with other four men by his side who I presumed were other Alphas.

Other changed wolves were behind them.
The Alpha spoke as he squeezed his eyes to ascertain me carefully.

At that moment, fear filled thoughts entered my head as the other rogue wolves began to chatter in fear.

'Oh no, are those not Alphas'

'Goddess please help us'

'What do we do'

'Can she stop them '

'How do we get out of this'

'Why now?'

"Hello young one".
I was already disturbed by the thoughts in my head and at that I glared at him.
He was so.....

"They said you're from the pack but you don't look like any one in the pack and you don't smell familiar." He stated with a frown.

What a complete waste of power.
He couldn't even remember me and he was here to what,
take me back and punish me?

"I WAS from the pack. Beta male and female Stanford's daughter."
He inched forward and I narrowed my gaze.

"The Stanford's. Their daughter was a blonde and she back at the pack house. " His frown deepened.

What does he mean she's a blonde. Aren't I blonde is he blind or what?

"I am a Stanford. I am a blonde. You claim to be an Alpha but you can't even remember your own pack members. " I cocked up my anger.

"Mind your words wolf. You will listen to me."
He growled loudly at me and the wolves who were behind him flinched and moved backwards.

The hell?!!
Did he think I was some faithful servant.
What a joke. I guess he doesn't really know I am a rogue now, much less their leader.
He doesn't think I would simply submit to him did he?

I was starting to feel angry and something was clawing up my spine. Something wanted to be released and whatever it was, felt really bad. I had to suppress my breathing. I was getting raged.

"No! You are not my Alpha. I lead now. Don't you see? you have no power here!" Then I growled loudly.

I was shocked and relieved at the same time. The thoughts stopped instantly.

'Mia, is that you?'




'Mia?...what are you saying?'


The other wolves began moving in closer and at a point like this, I wished I had a pack link of something like that.
I could warn them' to pack up and leave or something.....

I felt power surge my body like I was about to burst from the air pressure moving on within.

And then, all together, the rogues wolves moved closer to me, running and changing carrying their pups on their back for faster movement and came behind me.

I looked back in surprise,
They really did trust me didn't they?.
And somehow, at that moment, I felt like I knew what to do.

We had to get out of here.
If only we could disappear?!.

My hands moved on their own. Circulating down behind my back and soon air gathered around us.
The rogues covered themselves and their pups as the air enveloped the big crowd.

At this I smirked at the Alphas before me.

Catch me if you can!!

"Till we meet again Alpha. "
And with that the air inched closer and closer, taking us away from them and to a far away forest site.


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