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Things shifted between us that night.

Almost like most of our walls had come down. Not all of them, but more then we thought. It's been three months since that night and we've gone on more dates and had more long talks. Sometimes we go out and do things we never got to do growing up, but most of the time we stayed in and showed each other our favorite shows and movies.

Of course Natasha had to go on missions and while she was gone I kept myself occupied. I got out of going by telling Fury that because of the Bond I wouldn't be able to focus on the mission and would only be concerned about Natasha. And while that was partly true, I just simply didn't want to go. Over the months I had only seen the others in passing and that was fine with me. I wasn't here for them or the team, I was here for Nat. And I always had a date night ready whenever she got home.

And tonight was no different.

After she showered off the funk from her mission we headed out to our favorite restaurant- Nonna's, the best pasta place in New York. And since the day was so nice I even convinced her to walk there.

After about a half hour the golden lights of the restaurant were beckoning us in. Taking our usual table in the back, it wasn't even five minutes later when our usual order appears in front of us- fettuccine for Natasha and the best red sauce for me. Fresh bread and some red wine that I couldn't even begin to pronounce but that Nat loves is also put in front of us. We spend the next few hours eating and drinking until the sky darkens and a clap of thunder shake our glasses.

Natasha looks out the window and frowns slightly, "we should probably go before it rains." After getting our dessert to go and leaving a very nice tip we start the trip home. We had only gone a block when the skies let loose and drenched us. "If I catch a cold I'm going to kill you," Nat laughed as we ran under an awning. "We'll never catch a cab in this."

"I have a place," I tell her. "It's not far from here."

She gives me a quizzical look, "you have a place?"

"Trust me," I say as I take her hand and lead her back out into the downpour. We run the few blocks until we are standing outside a wrought iron fence staring at a two story house. Pushing through the gate we run up to the porch and I fish out the spare key from under the flowerpot by the door.

"Marz who's house is this?"

I pull her inside and shake off the water, "it's mine." I take off my coat and start flicking on lights making my way towards the kitchen.

Natasha follows me slowly, "you have a house?"

"Technically Peter and I have a house but he's dead so," I shrug. "He bought it as a safe house in case either of us needed to lay low for a while and I forgot all about it until I was walking by one day. And apparently buying a house is a good way to launder money but I'm not so sure."

I start making coffee as she looks around, "why didn't you tell me about this place sooner?"

I give her a look, "you haven't told me where any of your safe houses are." She raises an eyebrow as she cocks hers head slightly and I go back to making coffee. Once it's brewing I head towards the stairs, "come on." She follows me up into the master bedroom and stops.

"Wow, this is... not what I was expecting."

I look around at the rainbow of colors and then back to her, "what's wrong with it?"

She hesitates a moment, "it's just a lot of color."

"I couldn't decide," I tell her as I go to the closet and pull out a fresh set of clothes for each of us.

She takes the clothes I offer her and asks, "you have clothes for us here?"

I feel my face flush and I slowly admit, "well... I was hoping, that maybe, since everything is going so well with us, that maybe you would want to live here. With me. Us. Together."

The silence is deafening before she finally speaks, "you want us to move in together?"

"It was just an idea," I tell her, feeling slightly crush. Apparently it was a dumb idea.

She comes over to me and pulls me close, her hands cupping my face. "Hey, it's a nice dream Marz, but I don't know how it would be possible."

Taking a chance I pull her into a kiss and When I finally pull away I whisper, "I love you."

She pulls away and looks at me, "you don't have to say that."

Confused I ask, "why wouldn't I?"

She sighs, "because all of this, all of the dates, it's just so I'll sleep with you so you won't die. And I'll do it, but you don't have to lie about loving me."

"oh my sweet Natalia, I would never lie to you, especially about this. And especially not to get you into bed. I don't care if you never sleep with me, just being with you is enough for me."

"But you'll die," she says softly.

Putting a hand on her arm i say, "then I'll die, and I'm ok with that. I won't force you into something you don't want."

"But I do want it, want you," she admits as she looks at me with a hunger I've never seen from her. She kisses me, hard, her hands pulling my waist into her. My arms wrap around her neck and she moves her hands to the hem of my shirt and slips them under, caressing my skin and sending sparks through me.

As her hands start to wonder further up I pull away, "are you sure?"

"Yes," she breaths out before returning her lips to mine.

Several hours later the Bonding was complete. I gaze over at Natasha who was trying to catch her breath, "how did you do that?" She asks.

"Do what?" I tease.

She glared at me playfully, "you know exactly what I mean."

I smirk, "oohhh you mean this?" I let out a very specific whistle and watch as her eyes close and she moans through another orgasm.

When it's over she gasps out, "yeah that."

"It's just one of my many talents."

She looks at me with a teasing look, "can you do it to yourself?"

I laugh, "how do you think I learned how to do it? Prison was very boring."

"Show me."

I look at her slightly stunned, "show you?"

"Show me принцип (princess)"

"I am many things but a princess is not one of them," I tell her.

She raises an eyebrow slightly, "I thought you didn't speak Russian?"

"I only speak Select phrases," I tell her.

She reaches over and runs her hand along my arm, "such as?"

"Я хочу есть тебя пока ты не выкрикнешь мое имя." (I want to eat you until you scream my name)

Her hand stops and she asks shocked, "do you know what that means?"

"Absolutely," I smirk.

"And you just so happen to know it?"

"Well, I may have learned it for if the opportunity presented itself," I admit.

"I'd say it has," she says and I take it as an invitation to do exactly what I said.

All the Colors of Earth (Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now