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September 9th 2014

We watch the satellite feed of an earthquake stricken Maui. It had come out of nowhere and hundreds had been killed. It was a miracle that the volcano hadn't erupted.

"Well I think we all know who's responsible," Tony says. "Never thought she would make the jump to ecoterrorism."

"She's not a terrorist!" I hiss at him. "We don't know that that even was her." I turn to Fury, "have we made contact with the twins?"

He nods, "they say that it came from nowhere and ended quickly. I'm headed out there in an hour."

"I'll come with you," I tell him.

"No you won't," Fury argues. "I need you here."


"Why?" He repeats. "You don't get to ask why. You've done nothing but endanger this team in your search for her and frankly I question where your loyalty truly lies if it comes down to it."

While I can't say that his words don't hurt, I also can't deny that they weren't true. "My loyalty will always be with her. I just wish I had realized it sooner."

Fury nods, "and that's why you're staying here." He looks to the boys, "I'll trust you to keep her contained."

"Of course sir," Steve tells him immediately.

"Good, I'll be back once I have answers."

Once he's gone I start thinking of ways that I can get to Maui without alerting the team but Clint comes over to me, "I know what you're thinking but trust me, it's not worth it."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I tell him.

"Nat," he says gently. "You can't find her if you're in jail."

"She doesn't want to be found," I finally admit. "I'm grasping at straws to find someone who doesn't want to be found."

"Maybe she's waiting for the right time," he suggests.

"Time for what?" I scoff.

"I don't know kid," he shrugs.

"Real helpful," I tell him as I get up and walk away.

I make my way back to my floor and stop outside her door, my hand on the handle. I haven't been in since she left but I push my way in now. Everything is as she left it and it still smells faintly of her. Grabbing a hoodie from her closet, I toss it on and breath deeply letting her smell wash over me.

Laying on her bed, I pull her pillow close and close my eyes, trying to imagine it's her. "I miss you," I whisper into her pillow. "Please come home."

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