
358 10 1


September 12, 2014

A wall of red surrounds me as Wanda walks in with Fury. I'm surprised it took him this long to show up, considering I was the only one capable of causing a magnitude eight earthquake out of the blue.

"As I said," Wanda was saying, "we haven't seen her since graduation."

"It's alright Wanda, let him see me," I tell her.

"Are you sure?" Her voice in my head asks.

"Yes," I answer her. "I need him for what's to come."

She sighs and the Hex as she calls it falls from the room. Fury doesn't even seem surprised that I'm there but he does do a double take of the infant in my arms. "What is that?" He asks as he walks towards me.

I can see Wanda watching him, her eyes faintly glowing. "It's a baby," I tell him. "My baby. Sorry about the earthquake."

He nods slightly, "I'm not even gonna ask how this happened. Plausible deniability and all that."

"Why are you here?" I ask him, cutting to the chase.

"For you," he says simply.

Behind him Wanda glows brighter, "you can't have me. Or her."

"Maximoff shut that infernal glowing off," Fury orders without turning around. "If I wanted to capture her I wouldn't have come alone."

"Then what do you want?" I ask him again.

"Like I said, for you. To bring you home," he says.

"Home? I'm a fugitive," I remind him. "Besides it's not like anyone wants me back."

"Romanoff does," he tells me. "She's been all up my ass about finding you and making sure nobody hurts you."

My heart skips at his words, "she does? But she said.."

He nods, "I can imagine. She can be quite cruel when she wants to be. But she's been ripping herself apart these past few months. I had to threaten her to keep her from coming with me. You know she sent that missile that took out the Daxomite ship?"

I smile slightly, "she would send a missile."

"So," he says loudly. "Pack your things and the kid and let's go."



"No," I repeat. "I'm calling in my favor."

"Oh are you now?" Fury asks amused.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Give me another week and I can promise that all the Daxomites will leave earth."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

I give him a sad smile, "do you really want to know?"

He gives me a long stare before finally saying, "you're not coming home are you?"

I shake my head, "no I'm not." I look down at my daughter, "but she is. I'll send her with the twins in a week." I look back up at him, "and Fury? Don't tell Natasha."

                              One week later

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Wanda asks me.

I scoff, "want? Absolutely not. But it's the only way to keep her safe, to keep you and the entire world safe."

The sunlight was blocked out and we look up at a Daxomite ship passing overhead, "they're getting bolder," Wanda says as we watch it slowly disappear.

I pick up my backpack and sling it over my shoulder, "they're looking for me, it won't be safe here much longer unless I leave." Pulling a thick rolled up envelope from my pocket I hand it to Wanda, "you'll give this to her?"

Wanda takes it from me, holding it close, "of course. You sure you don't want to call her before you go?"

"I'd never leave if I did that."

"I know."

I smile at her, "devious."

She shrugs, "had to try didn't I?"

Pulling her into a tight hug I whisper, "thank you, for everything."

"Wanda!" Pietro yells, "we gotta go!"

Wanda squeezes me once more before she lets go, "we love you."

"I love you too Wands." She leaves me and heads towards the car that Pietro was standing by and I motion him over. In a second he's by my side and I pull him into a hug as well, "thank you P."

"Anytime Marz Bar."

Pulling away I give him a serious look, "take care of them for me?"

He looks towards the car, "with my life."

I take his face and make him look at me, "don't die on me."

He grins, "I knew you loved me more then Wanda."

"You wish," I tell him, giving his shoulder a pat. "Go, get out of here." I watch as he returns to the car and they both give me one last look before getting in and driving off. When they are out of sight I take a beacon out of my pocket and turn it on, waiting for my worst nightmare to come get me.

It didn't take long.

A Daxomite ship appears over me a few minutes later and lands a couple yards away, four soldiers getting off. Raising my hands I walk towards them, "I hear you're looking for me."

"Stop!" One of them growls at me as they start to circle.

I stop and put my hands down, "what took you so long?"

"On the ground prisoner!"

It seems like a lifetime ago that I had been told that in a similar situation. Smirking slightly I say, "you sure?"

"On the ground!" He repeated.

"If you say so." I drop and the ground shoots towards them, impaling them with gravel. It rips through their suits and they all drop, green blood pooling around them. Standing up I head towards the ship and cautiously climb on expecting the captain to still be there but it was empty. Tossing my backpack down I hop in the pilots seat and scan the controls- they looked fairly similar to the controls on the pod I had arrived in. Pressing a few buttons I managed to get the ramp up and take off, heading towards space.

As I blast through the atmosphere a voice comes to me over the coms, "ship X-23 you are not cleared for return."

Pressing another button I say, "this is escaped Colorian refugee Marzda Cadanar. I am leaving Earth. Come and get me." Sending it to everything on Earth and in space that has a Daxomite signature, I watch the radar as all the ships leave Earth and come towards me. Priming the thrusters, I slam them down hard causing the ship to go faster. "Catch me if you can."

                                  End Part Two

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