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Solar year 3576
Earth year 2014

"Stupid ship!" I yell as I slam my hands against the side making the panel I was trying to fix fall completely to the floor. "Fuck!" I kick it across the floor and watch it disappear into the cargo hold.

Sinking to the floor I try not to cry. I'd spent the last two Solar Months outrunning the Daxomite army, barely staying ahead of them in this poor excuse of a ship. And now it seemed that my luck has run out.

"Proximity alert," the ship tells me as the radar starts beeping.

"No shit," I scoff at it. They'd gotten here faster then I thought they would. Getting up I go to the control panel and start typing, "alright Clarice let's give them a show." Yes I'd named the ship. You try being alone in space for months with nobody to talk to.

And yes, I said months. Time in space moves differently than time on earth, something I was also pissed about. Just add it to the list I guess.

"Ship X-23," the coms chirp. "Surrender or you will be fired upon."

Pressing the button I answer, "bet you won't." And I knew they wouldn't. They'd had plenty of opportunities to kill me before now but for some reason they wanted me alive. "Why don't you guys come closer and we can talk about this like civilized people?"

"Ship X-23 prepare to be boarded."

I make a face and hit a few more buttons, "prepare to be blown up you scaly bastards," I mutter as a countdown clock pops up on the screen. "Five minutes should do it."

I hit a final button and watch the numbers count down. Leaning back in the pilots chair I finally let a few tears escape as I breath shakily. Of all the ways to die, this wasn't the one I'd pictured, but at least I could keep one promise to my daughter.

The Daxomites would never know about her or Natasha. My family would be safe and that's all that mattered.

I watch the approaching ships get closer and even give them a wave when they pass close by. "We had a good run Clarice," I tell the ship. "Thanks for saving my ass." The clock hits sixty seconds and I can't stop the waves of grief and despair that wash over me.

"They're safe," I remind myself. "They're safe," I say over and over as I watch the clock get closer to zero. The ship shakes as the Daxomites latch onto the ship to dock.

I stand up and wipe my face, I would not let them see me afraid. I would smile in their ugly faces as we explode in a fiery ball of spite. The handle on the hatch door starts to move as the clock chirps, "ten seconds."

I can't help but to look at it. Those red numbers counting down to my death. Behind me I can hear the door opening but I don't care.

"I'm sorry Natasha," I whisper as I watch the clock hit zero and everything goes dark.

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