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Thor met us on the palace landing pad, crushing me into a hug when he saw me. "It is good to have you back," he tells me when he finally lets go.

"It's good to be back big guy," I say as the others follow me off the ship.

"I see your mission was a success then."

I nod, "and the others?"

He grins, "made it back nearly an hour ago. I think Valkyrie is trying to set a new record." He motions to the others, "come, we have prepared a grand feast in your honor."

We follow him but after a few steps a wave of exhaustion washes over me and I glance at Natasha, noticing for the first time that she's barely keeping Olympia in her arms. Touching her arm I say, "let me take her," I offer.

"I'm fine."

"I can feel that you're not."

She gives me a look, "you can feel me again?"

I nod once, "for the first time in ten years."

"It's only been five," Natasha says softly.

I smile sadly, "for you it has. Time works differently out here."

Natasha looks like she wants to ask more but decided against it and slides Olympia into my arms. The sleeping child wraps her arms and legs around me, nestling into my neck, "she got bigger."

"That's what happens, kids grow up," Natasha tells me, sorrow filing her voice. "I'm sorry you didn't get to see it."

I hold her close against me as I agree, "so am I."

We follow Thor the rest of the way in silence and when we finally reach our destination he throws open the door and a ruckus greets us as Quill and the the rest of crew are talking loudly. Rocket stalks off towards the table where the others yell when they see him. The sound wakes up Olympia and when she notices that Natasha isn't the one carrying her she looks around until she spots Natasha and immediately wants her.

Giving her back I hear a voice yell, "QUAKE!" Turning towards the voice I see Valkyrie walking towards me, her armor shining in the light and cape flowing behind her. "It's about time you're here, these people are driving me crazy."

Glancing at the table I ask, "where is everyone?"

"They have gone to bed. Apparently my driving put them off of the food. But now that you're here, I'm off."

"Stay away from the bars, I'll need you in the morning," I warn her.

She waves me off and heads for the door, stepping aside as a woman charges through them. She looks around until her eyes settle on me and she rushes towards me, pulling me into a hug. "You came back."

Holding her tightly I say, "I promised I would." Jealously fills me and I pull away, looking at Natasha. It was good to know that she still felt something towards me. "Natasha this is my sister Keema. Keema this is Natasha, my bond."

My sister looks at Natasha and then back to me, "and the child?"

I nod, "Olympia."

Keema looks shocked, "after grandmother?"

"I wanted her to have some connection to our family." Natasha grunts slightly as she struggles to keep Olympia in her arms. "We have a lot to talk about sister, but I think it's best left until the morning," I tell her.

"Of course, I'm sure you're all exhausted," Keema said. "I'll show them to their rooms."

"Thank you," I say and look at Natasha. "You can share my room if you want," I offer. "I'm sure you have a lot to ask me." When she nods I turn to Keema, "can you take Wanda to the enhanced boys room?"

"Of course, he's this way." Keema leads Wanda out of the room and Natasha and I head towards another set of doors.

The walk to my room is silent and when we get there Natasha sets Olympia in the giant bed where she immediately curls up and starts snoring. "She snores like you," I joke, trying to ease the tension.

"I don't snore."

"Oh yes you do, like a chainsaw."

Natasha folds her arms, "and maybe things have changed since you left."

"I'm sure they have." We stand there until I finally sigh and go to the wardrobe and pull out some clothes, "here," I say, holding out to Natasha. "The pants probably won't be long enough but they're clean."

She takes them from me, "thanks."

I point to a door, "bathrooms in there."

She disappears into it and I grab my own clothes and change, heading out to the balcony when I was done. It didn't take long for Natasha to join me, but she didn't start talking for a long time. When she finally did, it was just one question, "what happened to you? I felt you die, Marz."

I sigh, "I'm sorry for that. Truly I am."

"Did you die?" She demands.

Nodding I admit, "I did. For a few minutes technically."

Her hand goes to her mouth as she tries to control the expressions and emotions flashing through her. Finally she just asks, "how?"

Leaning against the railing I say, "it's a long story Natasha. And not a good one."

"Since when are they ever?" She asks softly, leaning next to me.

Breathing deeply I force myself to say the words that I had hoped I would never have to say to her, "I tried to kill myself."

All the Colors of Earth (Natasha Romanoff)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin