-CHAPTER 2: Hard work-

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Finally, you've been accepted to be an assistant inside The Bureau Of Magic, and you will receive orders from Mr. Orter Madl from now on

It seemed wonderful and easy when Orter explained to you the first tasks that you must perform, but you didn't expect it to be this difficult, you were inside the office with Orter

You were moving files and books from here and there quickly and trying to quickly arrange all the reports on the latest missions while Orter was sitting at the office table and writing something as well, there was a mountain of files next to him

Orter had not spoken or made a sound for hours it seemed like he was working like a machine

When you finished writing and arranging the reports, you sat on the sofa while breathing a sigh of relief "Finally, I finished..."

"No, it is not finished yet." Orter said.

Suddenly, your eyes moved to look at him, with a look of concern on your face


Orter pointed to one of the shelves on the wall with his pen "That shelf won't organize itself."

You started to wonder, won't the work in this office end? It's almost evening and you're still working and you're starting to feel tired, while Orter is still maintaining his activity as if nothing had happened

But somehow, you felt that this makes sense, this office is empty, there is no one except you two, usually, there are at least two assistants with academic education inside each office with a few ordinary workers but here there is no one but you

Has Orter been doing all this tiring work alone all this time?

"Mr. Orter ... where are the rest of the assistants?" You asked him while you were walking towards the shelves to take the files and reports

Orter didn't answer you and continued writing what he was writing

You looked at him with a questioning look "Sir?"

"I don't need assistants, I can usually do everything myself."

Before you could answer him, someone opened the door, you looked to see who had entered. It was one of the servant beasts serving The Magical Power Administration, but now he was in his small dwarf form, his head was round in shape and the number 008 was written on his forehead

The servant silently placed the mountain of papers near Orter's table, before leaving the office, he stood in front of you without saying anything and bowed to you to show his respect for you, it was the first time he had met you, and in addition, you were in a higher rank than him

"And there is this servant too" he fixed his glasses

"So you didn't want assistants from the beginning, is that why you didn't accept me at first?"

"Stop asking questions and go back to work"

You frowned as you placed the files on your desk. It doesn't matter, it's still a lot of work since you are the only assistant here.

Are these files multiplying or what?

It's evening, you've finally finished writing and arranging. you've really finished this time, but every bone in your body hurts

You looked at Orter, he didn't look tired at all. Orter put his jacket on his shoulder and headed toward the door without saying anything, even though you two had spent the day working together

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