-CHAPTER 13: Caring-

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You were sitting on your bed, leaning against the wall while hugging your pillow, confused about your situation and somewhat feeling a little sad.

O/B/N opened the door to your room and then entered slowly, he was surprised that you were still awake

"Y/N? Why are you awake?"

Your eyes moved towards him and you raised one of your eyebrows "The question is why did you come to my room at this time without even knocking?"

"I thought you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. I was looking for a book and I thought it was here."

"Ok ...."

Your brother looked at your eyes for a long time, he noticed that you looked very depressed
"Did something happen?"

"Nothing, just find your book and get out of here"

He kept looking at you for several seconds before he gave small smile, he quickly understood why you were sad

O/B/N sat on the edge of the bed next to you and then placed his palm on your head. He began patting it gently

"Is it because of your grades again?"

You frowned as you avoided answering his question

"So I'm right, it's really the grades, right?"

"Shut up"

He giggled at your reaction
"I don't know why you care so much about grades. You passed in the end! Then why do you care about them?"

"You won't understand, so I don't have to tell you."

He placed his hand on your shoulder and pulled you closer to him, smiling warmly at you
"So let me guess, you're not the type to get excited about something if there's a competition, you're probably having a competition with someone in the academy so you're frustrated?"

"How I hate the fact that you can always predict what makes me angry no matter how hard you try"

"Well I'm your older brother after all."

"How do you have the audacity to say 'grades aren't important' when you were getting the highest grades when you were my age?" You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him

"That was in the past when I thought academic excellence meant everything in my life, but it never did. In the end, everyone will graduate and get a chance to work. What's so special about high grades anyway?"

"You know? You have a point, but I had a challenge with an annoying girl. If I beat her in grades, she will stop bullying my friends, but I failed in that and now my friends will pay the price."

O/B/N blinked as he looked at you
"Is this girl from the noble class?"

"Yes she is"

"I see, there was a very arrogant boy with us during the academy days with the same personality as this girl you are talking about, he used to bully everyone because of his position and the majority couldn't defend themselves in front of him, but I dealt with him."

" What did you do to him?"

"I crushed his nose."

"Weren't you punished then?"

He smirked
"No, I beat him up outside the academy when I saw him bullying one of my colleagues. I think he didn't tell anyone about this because he is just a little coward"

You weren't surprised by these words, your brother only shows his gentle personality with those close to him. He appears in front of everyone with a cold and terrifying personality with a very violent nature for those who abuse people who can't defend themselves. Everyone in the village, men, women and teenagers respected him, guarded against him, and avoided him.

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