Chapter 1

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Everything around me swirled into a mixture of colors and chaos the moment I put on my headset. My body grew light as a strong current of wind surrounded me, making me feel as if I was flying. I could feel my body bend and stretch in unnatural ways I could not control as I felt myself being transported somewhere unknown. The bright colors exploded before my eyes, then everything went black.
    A musky haze filled my mind. It felt like parts of my brain were being teased and tickled and ripped out of me. I was surrounded by a fog that made me forget everything about anything.
    In the distance, beyond the fog of my mind, I could hear a distant jingle playing. The upbeat music was accompanied by a voice. Though it sounded distant and far away, I could still make out the words that were sung.
    "Gangle and Zooble and Kinger, too. Ragatha, Jax, and there's Pomni, woohoo. Day after day after- day after- day after day we fly past the moon and the sun and we don't know why." As the lyrics ended, the darkness surrounding my vision disappeared and I was able to see my surroundings.
    Everything around me was bright and colorful. It looked like a children's nursery and a circus had a baby and gave birth to this abomination. Loud, peppy music filled the air with its blaring sound. Everywhere I looked, garish colors glared at me, making my head spin.
    "What the $@%#? Where am I?" I said aloud. Wait a moment. "#$%*. %#$@&!" What was going on? Why couldn't I cuss? Whatever was going on, I did not like it.
    "Are you kidding me?" A voice said. I turned to see several strange looking figures approaching me. There was a living rag doll, a giant king chess piece with eyes and a robe, a jester, a thing with a body of ribbon and a theater mask for a face, a figure made out of colors and shapes, and a tall, purple rabbit-man.
    My eyes were immediately drawn to the last one. He had a large yellow smile that looked sneaky and smug. His eyes were sharp and narrow, like they were up to something. "Is this another sucker?" The purple rabbit said.
    "Does this mean we have to redo the song?" The chess piece asked.
    "Why do we keeping redoing the dumb theme song if a new character keeps showing up at the end!" The rabbit said, clearly annoyed.
    "I don't get why we have to do the song at all in the first place." The strange figure made of shapes said as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Out of all the... people- if that was what they were- here, I thought that this one was the strangest looking.
    Out of the sky floated a very animated ringleader whose head was just teeth with eyes balancing on his tongue. I stand corrected. This was the weirdest one by far. "Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus!" He said.
    "The what?" I asked. Nothing that was going on right now made sense.
    "The Amazing Digital Circus!" He repeated, even louder than the first time. "Allow me to show you around!" Grabbing onto me, the ringleader took me on a quick tour. First he showed me the tent, then the grounds where the lake and carnival was. Last of all he took me to the void. At the end of the tour I was even more confused than I was when I first got here- wherever I was.
    When we arrived back inside of the tent, my head spun so much. My vision was blurred and patchy. The sudden transportation jolted my brain and made me unsteady. I tried to hold myself upright but I couldn't as my vision turned back and I felt myself begin to collapse.

Surviving Insanity (Jax X F Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя