Chapter 15

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Colors and voices flowed through the air as I walked through the carnival with Jax at my side. Due to there not being many people inhabiting the digital circus, the carnival was pretty much empty. There were a few wooden mannequins walking around with us, but there was not enough to form anything that could be considered a crowd.
    As Jax and I ran around from booth to booth, I could not help the smile that covered my face. I felt filled with energy as I forgot all my worries. Right now I was just focusing on having as much fun as possible.
"Ooh! Look at that!" I said, pointing at one of the booths. It was a game with little pictures you were supposed to knock down with balls, but that was not what caught my attention. It was the prizes.
    There were so many of them. They were colorful and varied in size. Some of them were small plushies that were no bigger than keychains while others were giant stuffed animals that were bigger than I was.
    Grabbing Jax's hand, I pulled him over to the booth. He stumbled slightly but was able to right himself immediately with just a couple steps with his long legs. "Look at all the prizes!" I said, gazing in awe at the wall of colorful stuffed animals that towered over me.
Jax raised an eyebrow as he smiled down at me with amusement. "You like those things?" He asked.
"Of course I do." One in particular then caught my eye. "Especially that one!" I pointed to the largest stuffed animal. It was a bright pink rabbit that looked as soft as it was fluffy. "I'm gonna win it!"
    "Good luck with that." Jax said, watching intently as I stepped up to the booth, full of determination. The wooden mannequin who was manning the stall handed me three plastic balls and stepped to the side.
I threw the balls at the targets but missed every time. Letting out an annoyed puff of air, I asked to try again. After being handed three more balls, I threw them at the targets but only hit one.
    Jax chuckled at my frustration as I tried again over and over. Each time I got closer, but still was not close enough. At one point I was able to hit two of the targets, but the third one was embarrassingly off.
"You done yet?" Jax asked after my thirteenth try.
    "No. I won't be done until I win my prize!" I was too determined to stop now. I wanted that prize and I was going to get it, even if it took me all day.
"Alright then." Jax said as he leaned against the stall, prepared to spend a long time waiting.
    Turning back to the stall, I continued to try again. We stood there for nearly a half an hour as I kept failing at hitting all of the targets. As Jax watched, he quickly went from amused to bored.
    Finally after what felt like forever I hit three targets. "Yes!" I cheered. Grabbing onto one of the medium sized stuffed animals, the wooden mannequin held it out to me. "No, I want that one!" I pointed to the large pink rabbit.
    The mannequin pointed at a sign next to the prize I wanted. That was when I realized that all of the prizes had signs next to them indicating the number of points I needed in order to get it. The prize I wanted was worth three thousand, the most points, unsurprisingly.
    On the targets there were also numbers. The larger targets were worth less points while the smaller ones were worth more. The smallest target was worth one thousand points, meaning that I had to hit it three times in a row in order to get the prize I wanted.
"C'mon! How am I supposed to win!" I said, just about ready to give up. There was no way I was going to win the prize, no matter how many times I tried.
    Standing up next to me, Jax looked from the prizes to the targets and then to me. "You want that one, right?" He asked, pointing at the pink rabbit.
    "Yeah." I nodded. Without another word he turned to the mannequin and accepted the plastic balls. Throwing them at the smallest target, he hit it with each of the balls. My jaw dropped.
    Jax grabbed the pink rabbit stuffed animal and handed it to me. "Here."
    I stared at it, wide eyed as I accepted it. The stuffed animal was so big that I had a hard time holding it at first, but I managed. "Thanks!" I smiled at him.
    "I was tired of watching you struggle." He said with a shrug.
    "Then why didn't you step in earlier?"
    He smirked. "Why didn't you ask for help?" He asked. I didn't say anything. His eyes sparked in amusement as he began to walk off. I hurried after him. "So, why'd you choose that one. You like rabbits?" He glanced down at me.
    "Yeah." I said. He smirked as I then realized what I just admitted. I shook my head. "C'mon, let's ride the Ferris wheel!" Grabbing his hand, I pulled him towards the Ferris wheel and he smiled as he followed.

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