Chapter 8

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  "How'd you find me?" I asked Jax as I jumped to my feet.
"I just had to retrace my steps. Once you make it through, this maze is easier to understand." He said as he strode up to me. His face held his usual mischievous look.
"So you guys made it out?" I asked, hope sparking in me.
"Yeah. The others are waiting at the end." He said. "Follow me."
    "Thanks for coming back for me." I said, walking beside him as he showed me the way. His strides were so long that I had to walk fast in order to keep up with him.
    "No problem. Now you owe me." He sent me a wide smile that spoke trouble.
    "Uhh." I fidgeted with my hands nervously. I did not expect him to say that.
    "I'm only kidding." He said. I let out a sigh of relief. "Or am I?" I smiled weakly. I did not understand him at all, but at least I could tell that he meant me no harm. After all, he did come back for me.
Jax walked with confidence as he lead me through several different rooms I had not been through yet. One had a pool that was filled with colorful plastic balls instead of water. Another room had what I at first thought was a mirror on the ceiling. It reflected the pool underneath it so perfectly that it looked like there was an identical pool on the ceiling.
Then I realized something was off about the mirror. The reflection of Jax and I looked more like the reflection you would see when peering at water, not a mirror. So then was that an actual pool that was somehow upside down on the ceiling?
Before I could find the answer to that, Jax led me into another room. This room was smaller than the others, but was much taller. In the middle of it was a large white staircase that spiraled upwards into another room. The staircase was so long that it took us several minutes to reach the top.
    The room it led us to was small and dark. In the wall directly in front of us were the openings to three tub slides. One was red, one was green, and one was blue.
    "Slide down the red one." Jax said as he pointed at the tube slide in the middle. I walked up to it and peered inside. It was pitch black and unsettlingly ominous. The sight sent a chill down my spine.
    "Uhh, what's down there?" I asked.
    "The way out." He replied.
    "Are you sure?" I had no reason to doubt him, but I also just did not want to go down that slide. I was not about to just plunge myself into pure darkness down a tube slide which led to who knows where!
    "You'll be fine." Jax said as he pat me on the back. The force of his hand pushed me forward and I flew down the slide head first. "Whoops." I could hear Jax say before he got into the slide after me.
    Everything was dark as the slide seemed to stretch down forever. The entire time I kept my eyes slammed shut in fear as I worried over what would be at the end. After a very long ride I opened my eyes to see a bright light.

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