Chapter 22

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    "Junie! Jax! What happened to you?" Ragatha said as we joined the others at the finish line of the race. Everyone else was already there and from the way they looked, they must have been waiting for a while.
    I guess that meant that Jax and I did not win, but that did not matter to me. That was not what was important. Not when we had discovered those horrific creatures hidden away in that room.
    Jax put me down and took the camera from my hands. I was still in a sort of daze and barely even noticed that he took it. "What's this?" He asked Caine as he handed him the camera, showing him something on the screen. I assumed it was the last picture I took.
"Oh boy! You two weren't meant to go in there!" Caine exclaimed in an overly-comedic and non-serious manner. Though despite him not sounding serious, I could tell he was. "That's where all the abstractions are kept! They are very dangerous!"
"I know that." Jax rolled his eyes. "But what were they doing in there?" He stared at Caine unblinking. His face was serious.
"Well we had to put them somewhere!" Caine said in a very animated way, ignoring how serious Jax was.
"In an unlocked room?" The rest of us were silent as Jax questioned Caine.
"What you just so happened to stumble across was the back door. It was supposed to be where no one would get to. We'll have to fix that!"
"What if they get out?" I asked from behind Jax.
"Don't worry my blue-haired friend." He said as he handed me the camera. "The abstractions are sealed away tightly. Once I take care of that door, there'll be nothing to worry about at all."
Before anyone else could ask any questions, Caine snapped his fingers and disappeared. "You okay, Junie? You look a bit shaken up." Ragatha said as she approached me with a gentle look.
"Those... those things... They were once people, right?" I asked her.
Her expression twisted slightly with a slight trace of sadness. "Yes." She said.
"So that's what abstraction looks like." I said, quietly thinking out loud. "That could happen to me."
"That's not gonna happen to you." Jax said, stepping into the conversation as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I glanced up at him, attempting to form a weak smile but I could not even muster that.
"He's right. We're all going to look out for each other." Ragatha gave me a smile. I did my best to return it as I stepped away from both her and Jax.
"You know, I'm pretty tired." I said as I slowly backed away. "I'm gonna rest for a little."
"Oh, all right." Ragatha said. Jax watched me with a look of concern. I gave him a small fake smile in an attempt to assure him I was fine before I walked back to my room.
The entire time I made my way down the quiet, empty hall to my room, I could not stop thinking about what I had seen. One particular thought kept echoing in my mind. That could happen to me.

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