Chapter 3 - Hi Jane

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Jane POV's

I was getting ready to go to Toby's party, contemplating what to wear. A dress might be too sexy, and jeans might be too casual. I kept looking at my closet, trying to find something decent. Finally, I decided to wear a black cropped tank top with cream-colored culotte pants. I grabbed my coat and waited for Anna.

"Anna, are you done?"

Anna walked out from her room wearing a sexy strapless dress paired with leather boots. She looked gorgeous, but too seductive, I might say.

"Wow, that is sexy. Are you sure?"

"There's gonna be Toby's friends. I wanna look pretty."

"Well, you look hot. You're gonna have a lot of guys drooling over you tonight. Come on, let's go."

She smiled widely at the thought of meeting Toby's friends tonight. We took an Uber to Toby's apartment. He lived on the upper side known for high-end apartment buildings. The only thing I knew was that Toby shared his apartment with a couple of roommates and Brianna had just recently moved in with him. I had never been to his apartment, but Brianna always said it was a nice building and she loved it there.

The Uber ride took about twenty-five minutes, and the weather was chilly as we got out of the car. We made our way to his apartment, and as we approached his unit, we could faintly hear the music from outside. We rang the doorbell, and Toby opened the door.

"Jane, Anna! You guys made it, come on in!" he greeted us happily.

"Thank you for having us," I said.

"My pleasure. Here, let me get your coat. Make yourself comfortable, get a drink, get wasted—whatever you want."

"Hell yeah! We are going to have such a blast tonight," Anna claimed excitedly.

"Where is Bri?" I asked Toby.

"Oh, I think she's in the kitchen. Come."

"Bri! Your friends are here!"

Brianna saw us and half-ran towards us. "Oh, good, you're here. Toby's friends are here; these law students are fancy, if you know what I mean. I'm going to introduce you guys."

"Cheeky, I like it," Anna couldn't contain her excitement.

I followed Bri and Anna, feeling uncomfortable about meeting Toby's friends. I had never been great at talking to boys. Sometimes I didn't think guys found me attractive enough.

"Hey, guys, this is my friends Anna and Jane. This is Toby's friends Erick and Steve," Brianna introduced us.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys," was all I said.

All of us quickly became involved in a group conversation. Anna seemed so happy making new acquaintances, and I felt slightly uncomfortable, but I tried my best to be social. After all, these guys didn't seem too bad; they seemed polite, although a bit flirty towards Anna.

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late," suddenly a deep husky voice was heard from behind me.

I looked at the tall figure and quickly remembered this guy from earlier today—the blue-eyed guy looking for the admission office. His gaze quickly found mine, and he smiled at me. I was stunned to see him here and just stood there frozen.

"Oh, good, you're here; we've been looking for you! This is my friend, girls, this is Dylan," Brianna said.

"Hi, nice to meet you, Dylan, I'm Anna."

"Nice to meet you, Anna," Dylan said, weirdly sounding a bit seductive.

Dylan looked at me and said, "Hi, Jane."

He remembered my name. I fixated my gaze on his blue eyes but quickly gathered my thoughts. "Hi, Dylan."

"Surprised to see you here," he said, and I just smiled.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Brianna asked.

"We've met before," Dylan answered and switched his gaze to me, smiling.

"Earlier today, he was asking for directions," I quickly clarified.

I immediately switched topics, asking them about their winter break, fearing they might show further interest in my meaningless interactions with Dylan. As they started talking about their winter break plans, I quietly excused myself, needing a glass of wine to calm myself.

I poured myself a generous glass of wine and headed to the balcony. As I was enjoying my glass of wine alone, I heard the sliding of a door behind me. It was Dylan. He had a glass in his hand, which I assumed to be whiskey.

"Hey, enjoying yourself alone here?"

"I do, actually."

"Not a big fan of parties, I assume?"

I just shook my head and continued sipping on my wine. "So, did you manage to change your course?"

"Well, I decided not to. There is this pretty girl in my class."

I let out a small laugh, "So you stayed because of a pretty girl?"

"Yeah, I did."

"She must be very pretty then."

"Well, I'm looking at her right now." My eyes widened, feeling confused.

"Apparently, we're in the same class. Macroeconomics," he continued.

"You're joking," I said in disbelief.

Dylan let out a small laugh, seeming to enjoy this moment.

"You were in my class?"

"Yeah. I wanted to change classes, but I can't. So, I'm stuck with you until the end of the semester."

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