Chapter 7 - See You Soon

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Jane finally decided to accompany her friends for winter break. Anna and Bri had been persistently persuading her to tag along. However, Jane was still eager to visit her father first because she missed him dearly. Anna and the others would be leaving for Lake Tahoe on Wednesday, and Jane would join them later.

Jane was about to leave her dorm and head to the airport. Her plane to Seattle was scheduled to depart in 3 hours. It was difficult for her to leave her dad behind and study across the continent. But studying at Columbia University had been her dream since she was a little kid. Jane was wearing a comfortable hoodie and pants as she prepared for the long journey ahead.

"Anna, I'm leaving," Jane said.

"Safe flight, okay? I'll see you on Friday. We'll pick you up at the airport when you arrive," Anna explained.

"Okay, I'll see you soon. Have fun!"

"Say hi to your dad for me, yeah?" Anna said.

"Sure, Bye Anna." Jane and Anna shared a hug, and then she left her apartment.

Jane took an Uber and headed to JFK airport. The ride took her 40 minutes. The airport was packed with people heading for their winter break, and she worried about not being able to check in on time. As she headed to check in her luggage, Jane received a call from Dylan.

"Hello?" Jane answered the call.

"Hey Jane, where are you?" Dylan asked.

"Hey Dylan, I'm at the airport. I'm going to Seattle," Jane explained.

"I heard you're visiting your dad?" Dylan confirmed.

"Yes, I'm going to spend some time with him before going to Lake Tahoe."

"I'll see you this Friday then?"

"Yes," Jane simply said.

"I'll pick you up at the airport, okay?" Dylan explained.

"Okay, thanks Dylan," Jane said unknowingly smiling at the thought of meeting Dylan soon.

"Have fun visiting your dad. Safe flight! Text me when you land," Dylan said.

"Okay, bye Dylan. I'll see you soon," Jane said her goodbye.

Once she arrived at the check-in counter, Jane pulled out her tickets and ID. The staff at the check-in counter was busy filling in Jane's flight details while she placed her luggage on the belt.

"Jane Anderson?" The staff lady asked.

"Yes," Jane simply answered.

"It's your lucky day. Our flight is overbooked, and the economy class is full. I will bump you up to business," she explained.

Jane smiled widely, not believing that she would be experiencing a business class seat for the first time. "Really? I guess this is my lucky day."

The staff lady smiled while nodding and handed Jane her boarding pass. "Enjoy!"

"Thank you. Have a great day," Jane exclaimed.

Jane was very excited about her upgraded seat. This six-hour long flight to Seattle would be less painful after all. After waiting for a while at the gate, the plane finally boarded. All business class passengers were allowed to board first. Jane made her way to the gate, entered the airplane, and found her seat, '3A.'

As other passengers started to fill in their seats as well, Jane checked her phone to inform her dad that she boarded the plane and was about to fly. Suddenly, a familiar voice called her name.

"Jane Anderson?" called the familiar voice.

Jane looked up, and her eyes widened. It was her high school friend Andrew. "Andrew?"

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