Chapter 6 - Chocolate & Coffee

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A few days had passed since Jane and Dylan's first kiss. They hadn't seen each other again, and Dylan hadn't contacted her. They didn't even have each other's numbers. Jane walked to her campus building and decided to stop by the cafeteria for some coffee. She debated whether to satisfy her caffeine fix or warm herself with hot chocolate. Ultimately, the aroma of hot chocolate ordered by the person before her persuaded her to get one too.

"Can I have one hot chocolate, please?" Jane said to the barista.

"Make that two, please," a deep husky voice suddenly chimed in—it was Dylan.

Jane was stunned for a second as she saw him handing the barista a twenty-dollar bill. "No, please let me, you paid last time."

"It's fine," Dylan insisted, urging the barista to take the bill.

"Thank you."

"So, how are you?" Dylan said with a seductive smile.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good too, but I'm a bit disappointed that you haven't called me since we last kissed," Dylan teasingly replied.

"I was waiting for you to call me. Isn't that what a gentleman should do after a quite passionate kiss?" Jane answered confidently.

Dylan chuckled. "Passionate, huh?"

"You were fine, but I was great."

Dylan smiled at her, unsure if he wanted to continue the banter. In the end, he let her win this time. They flirtatiously kept looking at each other while waiting for their drinks.

"Here you go, two hot chocolates," the barista handed them their orders.

They walked out of the cafeteria and were greeted by falling snow. Jane warmed her hands with the cup of her hot chocolate.

"What are your plans for winter break?" Dylan suddenly asked.

"Probably visit my dad. I don't know. Why?"

"We're thinking about going to Lake Tahoe. Would you like to come?"

"Who's 'we'?" Jane asked for more clarity.

"The boys—me, Toby, Erick, and Steve. Toby will ask Bri to come too. You should join us," Dylan explained.

"I don't know about that," Jane said, turning her gaze away from Dylan, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the thought of going away with someone she had just met.

"It's going to be fun," Dylan reassured.

"I'll think about it. I have to go to class now," Jane said.

"Busy with your classes?" Dylan asked.

"Just classes for today, but I have assignments for tomorrow," Jane replied.

"No passionate goodbye kisses?" Dylan teased her.

Jane looked at him and rolled her eyes but couldn't contain her small laugh. They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Jane had two classes that day, yet she had to stay up all night to finish her paperwork due the next day. She already felt exhausted thinking about all the assignments and tests at the end of the semester. The thought of having a little fun during winter break brought a smile to her face.

Jane returned to her apartment and found Anna lying on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, you're back," Anna greeted Jane.

"Hey, don't you have class?" Jane asked her.

"My class got cancelled. The professor's currently on leave, so we got online assignments."

"I envy you. It's so cold outside," Jane complained.

"Dinner? Chinese takeout?" Anna suggested.

"Sure," Jane simply replied.

While Anna ordered some Chinese food for dinner, Jane took a hot bath and changed into comfortable clothes. They enjoyed their dinner while watching some reality TV shows featuring couples. The couple on the show was enjoying their time fishing in the lake, reminding Jane of Dylan's proposal to go to Lake Tahoe.

"Dylan told me that the boys are going to Lake Tahoe for winter break," Jane started the conversation.

"Oh my God! Really? Did he ask you to come with him?" Anna got excited.

"Yes, but also with the boys. Toby is bringing Bri too," Jane explained.

"Did you say yes?"

"No, I didn't. I thought about visiting my dad."

"Oh come on, you cannot miss this one. Can I come too?" Anna asked.

"I don't know. Ask Bri if you want to come."

Just then, Anna received a call from Bri. Anna excitedly answered her phone and put Bri on loudspeaker.

"Bri! I am with Jane here. Are you going to Lake Tahoe?" Anna almost shouted.

"Yes! Toby just told me that the boys are going. I'm going with them, you and Jane should come too," Bri answered from the other end.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Anna started giggling like a little girl.

"Wait, but how do you know I'm going to Lake Tahoe? I haven't told anyone yet," Bri started questioning.

"From Jane. Dylan asked Jane to come with him. This is so exciting!" Anna screamed with excitement.

"Oh my God! Dylan? Jane, he is so into you!" Bri also screamed from the other end.

"Before you get too excited, I declined the offer," Jane quickly cut off their excitement.

"What? Why?" Bri asked.

"Don't worry, Bri, I'll keep nagging her until she says yes," Anna reassured her.

While Bri and Anna excitedly continued talking about their winter break plans, Jane received a message on her phone from an unknown number. She opened her phone and started reading the message.

"Come out. I'm outside your apartment.


Jane was surprised to receive a message from Dylan. She wondered if it was really Dylan. Not wanting to make a scene in front of Anna, she quietly excused herself while Anna was still talking with Bri. She put on her slippers and went out of her apartment. She went to her apartment lobby and saw Dylan standing outside her apartment building. She quickly rushed to him, but as soon as she got out, her body shivered from the cold.

"Dylan? What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I was just passing by. I want to give you these," Dylan handed her a small brown paper bag.

"What is this?" Jane asked, feeling confused.

"Coffee and chocolate cake, to help you pull an all-nighter," Dylan smiled, seemingly proud of his own gesture.

"That is so nice of you. Thank you," Jane couldn't help but feel deeply touched.

Dylan smiled, and for a second, they shared an intimate and romantic silence.

"How did you get my number?" Jane curiously asked.

"From Toby."

"How do you know my apartment?" Jane continued asking.

"From Toby."

Jane let out a small laugh while Dylan fixed her hair, noticing that Jane started to shiver a lot from the cold as she only wore a hoodie.

"I have to go, you could go back inside," Dylan said.

"Yeah, thanks again for the cake and coffee," Jane said and started to walk away from him.

"Jane!" Dylan called her, and she turned around, facing him.

"Next time we meet, can we talk about what happened last time?" Dylan said.

Jane understood that he meant the kiss they shared. Jane smiled and nodded shyly before continuing to walk inside the building.

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