Chapter 5 - Our First Time

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The sunlight filtered through Jane's bedroom window, rousing her from a deep slumber, though she still felt utterly exhausted. Last night's revelry had taken its toll, leaving her nursing a pounding headache as she glanced at her phone, registering the late hour of 11:19 am with surprise. She'd never slept in this late before, but mustering her strength, she forced herself out of bed.

Making her way to the kitchen for a much-needed cup of coffee, she was greeted by Anna, who looked equally worse for wear after their wild night out.

"Hey girl! You won't believe how epic last night was. You should have come with us," Anna boasted, her mascara smudged from the festivities.

Jane chuckled knowingly. "Clearly."

"So, how was it?" Anna prodded, eager for details. "Dylan seemed pretty into you."

"I doubt that," Jane replied skeptically, though a smile tugged at her lips as she recalled their interactions.

"Come on, he practically ran after you to make sure you got home safely. It was sweet," Anna insisted.

Jane remained silent, a small smile playing on her lips as she thought back on her unexpected encounter with Dylan.

As Anna continued to press for details, Jane found herself feeling uncomfortable, quickly changing the subject as she retreated to the living room to distract herself with the TV.

Lost in thought, Jane's mind wandered back to the previous night, recalling her impromptu outing with Dylan.


"Wait! I'm kind of hungry. Do you want to grab something to eat?" Jane turned around, giving Dylan a confused look, and said, "Sure, why not?"

They headed to a nearby diner, just a five-minute walk from Jane's apartment, seeking warmth as they waited for the waitress to take their order.

"Hello, guys, are you ready to order?" the waitress asked.

"Yes, I'll have bacon and waffles and a cup of coffee, please," Dylan said.

"Just coffee for me," Jane added.

"Okay, I'll be right back," the waitress said as she left the table.

"Do you usually drink coffee at night?" Dylan asked, his gaze fixed on Jane.

"I guess when you've had too much, it doesn't affect you anymore, right?" Jane replied.

"Right," Dylan answered, maintaining his gaze on her.

"What?" Jane asked, feeling awkward under his constant scrutiny.

"So, what is it? A lily?" Dylan asked, smiling broadly.

Jane's eyes widened in surprise. "How do you know?"

"I saw you put your hair up in class. I couldn't help but notice your cute little tattoo," Dylan explained.

Jane rolled her eyes and sighed loudly, showing her disbelief and fatigue at his teasing.

"So, what is it? You haven't answered my question," Dylan persisted.

"Well, if you must know, it's a lily."

"Why a lily?" Dylan inquired further.

"My mother's name was Lily. She passed away three years ago, and I got it after she died," Jane answered, feeling unsure if she should have revealed this to Dylan.

"I'm sorry," Dylan said softly.

"It's fine," Jane smiled, assuring Dylan that she was okay.

Not long after, the waitress returned with their orders. Dylan seemed ravenous, quickly devouring his food, while Jane sipped her coffee, watching him eat.

"So, no boyfriend?" Dylan asked.

Jane smiled and shook her head. "Currently, no."

"Why?" Dylan frowned, puzzled by her response.

Jane furrowed her eyebrows, feeling confused by his questions. "Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to that either."

"You haven't found anyone attractive?" Dylan pressed.

"I guess it's not that. I just haven't met someone that I can connect with, you know," Jane explained.

Dylan let out a small laugh and continued eating his waffles.

"Enough about me, how about you?" Jane asked.

"I'm currently abstaining from relationships," Dylan coyly replied.

"What about that girl? Ally?" Jane inquired.

"Are you jealous?" Dylan teased, giving Jane a seductive look.

Jane chuckled. "Forget that I asked."

"We broke up. We weren't good for each other," Dylan explained, trying to end the conversation.

Jane started to feel sad for him. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. It wasn't that serious after all," Dylan said, attempting to change the subject.

As Jane gazed out the window, she suddenly exclaimed, "It's snowing!"

"Yes, it is. We should go outside," Dylan suggested.

"It's freezing. My coat is thin," Jane protested.

"Come on, it's not that cold," Dylan insisted, taking Jane's hand and leading her outside.

As they walked hand in hand, Dylan led Jane to a small pond on campus. He tore up a piece of leftover waffle, attracting a duck and her ducklings.

"Oh God, they're so cute. How did you find them?" Jane asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"I spend a lot of time here reading on the bench. It's quiet. I like it here," Dylan explained.

Dylan was examining every curve of her face, realizing he might be liking her a bit too much. They shared a sweet moment together as they watched the ducks.

"Dylan, what do you—" Jane began, but her words were cut off by a soft kiss.

Dylan kissed her tenderly yet passionately, holding her close. Jane was shocked by his sudden gesture but couldn't deny his sincerity. She finally gave in, wrapping her arms around his neck. Their kiss grew tighter as they felt each other's heartbeats. Dylan cupped his hand on her cheek, drawing himself deeper into the kiss. Jane stroked his hair gently from behind, falling deeper into the moment.

When they finally broke the kiss, they looked at each other, speechless. Feeling surprised and slightly embarrassed, they couldn't help but wonder what the kiss meant and if there was something more for them in the future.

"I need to go," Jane hurriedly left Dylan standing there.

Dylan watched her disappear into the distance, pondering the significance of their kiss and what it might mean for their future.

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