Chapter 4 - I will Follow You

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Dylan POV's

I found myself enjoying teasing Jane a bit too much. I was quite surprised to see her here. She looked more beautiful than I remembered from this morning. How come I've never seen her around campus before? To be fair, it's a huge campus, and our buildings aren't exactly close to each other.

"You were in my class?"

"Yeah. I wanted to change classes, but I can't. So I'm stuck with you till the end of the semester."

"Well, good luck to you."

"So you're friends with Brianna?"

"Yeah, we used to live together, but she ditched me for Toby." She smiled.

"Seems like they're in love."

"I'm happy for them."

Toby interrupted our conversation and told us that dinner was ready. We went inside and headed to the dining room. Jane left my side and quickly took a seat across the table beside Brianna. I sat on the other end but found it hard not to gaze at her from time to time.

I enjoyed the dinner but felt a bit disappointed that I didn't get to spend more time talking with Jane. After our long dinner conversation, Brianna started slicing chocolate cake for dessert.

"Jane, this is your favorite, chocolate cake," Brianna said.

"Thank you." Jane smiled, seeming excited for her cake.

After dessert, we proceeded to the living room and continued talking for hours. Brianna was telling us how she and Toby started dating and started questioning us about our dating lives.

"So, Dylan, who is your latest pursuit?" Brianna asked me.

I chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"Since you're not seeing Ally anymore, don't you want to start dating someone new?" Toby added.

My eyes met Jane's, but she quickly looked away, sipping her wine.

"Not at the moment," I said shortly.

"Jane here is single. Seems like the two of you could make a cute couple," Toby added.

Jane rolled her eyes at Toby and ignored the teasing.

I gave Jane a seductive smile. "Not a bad idea. What do you think, Jane?"

Jane smiled and gave a small laugh. "I'm tempted, but I'll pass for now."

After failing to set us up, Toby and Brianna continued teasing Anna with the other guys. Anna seemed to have a thing going on with Steve; they just couldn't take their eyes off each other. It was getting late, and they didn't want this party to stop. One of them suggested we go clubbing.

"No, no, no, I'll pass," Jane quickly refused.

"Oh, please, it's Friday night. I've never gone clubbing with you," Anna begged her.

"Yeah, come on, Jane. I've never gone clubbing with you since I've known you," Brianna added.

"Have you ever gone to a club?" Toby asked.

"I have, actually. I just don't like it. It's too crowded for me," Jane replied.

Jane was quite firm about not wanting to go clubbing. We were getting ready to leave Toby's apartment, and Jane excused herself.

"I'll be leaving then. Have fun, guys," Jane said.

"Be safe getting home," Brianna added.

"I will. Bye, guys!" Jane said before leaving us.

I felt uneasy seeing her leaving alone. I hesitated for a moment, but then I decided to take her home.

"Guys, sorry, I have to pass. I want to take Jane home, make sure she's okay," I said, quickly finding my way to the door.

Brianna just smiled at me, and I quickly left the apartment before anyone could say anything. I ran to find Jane and found her waiting in the lobby for an Uber.

"Hey!" I said.

"What are you doing here?" Jane asked.

"I can't let you go home alone this late at night," I said.

She smiled at me and turned her gaze to her phone as her Uber notification came up, informing her the ride was about to arrive. As the car arrived, we immediately jumped inside to shield ourselves from the chilly weather.

"So, you're a law student?" she started a conversation.

"Yes," I simply replied.

"An attorney?"

"Hope to be."

"Good for you," she said.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Political Science. I hope to be a journalist one day."

"Wow, didn't expect that from you," honestly, I was quite surprised.

"Why is that?"

"I can't imagine you going to a war scene, that's all."

She laughed. "I've never been to a war, so I guess I'll have to find out later."

We continued our small talk until we reached her apartment. I found myself enjoying our conversation, and I couldn't help but notice every single gesture she made. Like how she tapped her nails when she was waiting for something, or how she bowed her head and smiled when she was shy.

"This is me. Thank you, Dylan. Nice to meet you," she said in front of her apartment building.

"Sure, you're welcome," I said.

She smiled and turned her back to me, about to enter her building.

"Wait! I'm kind of hungry. Do you want to grab something to eat?"

She turned around, gave me a confused look, and said, "Sure, why not?"

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