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DogDay POV

I wake up, along with the morning sun. I stretch my body and get out of my bed. I can't wait to say hi to all of the critters, and children.

I decided to eat some Cookie Crisp for breakfast, since it is my favorite cereal.

I walk out of my door, through the staff doors, and into the Playcare. I examine the place before I see Kickin' Chicken. "Hey, chicken! What's up?" I ask, "Good man, how about you?" He asks back. "Same thing." I smile.

I walk past him, and catch my eyes on... CatNap... I don't know what it is about him, but it really interests me. "Hey, cat!" I say, and he doesn't respond, neither does he really look at me. He is usually like that.

I always wondered if something was wrong with him, or he just doesn't like people.

I decide to go up to him.

"CatNap, everything okay? You... Never really respond or acknowledge us critters... Are you alright? Need company?" I ask the purple cat.

He slightly eyes me.

He pulls a slight smirk at me, reassuring that he is fine. I smile and pat him on the shoulder. "Well then, take care." I say, smiling.

I jog my way to the school, and I eventually find the classroom I have to teach for the day.

Once everyone arrives, and the bell rings, I begin. "Alright class, let's start by teaching you guys about social interaction and friendships!" I say, smiling.

I swear I see someone looking through the window, but I decide to pay attention to teaching the youngs.

"So first, how do you approach someone, and want to ask them to be friends?" I ask the class.

About 5 kids raise their hands. "Hmm... Josh!" I speak.

"You wanna approach them by saying hi, try and make a conversation, and ask them to be your friend!" He says confidently. "Very good, Josh!" I say, smiling.

About 15 minutes later, the bell rings, which means the students are dismissed.

Now, I walk out of the school and decide to see what is going on throughout the Playcare.

I hear something that sounds like two boys arguing. I go over to investigate.

I see them, then suddenly, one of them which appears to be Erik Mansaray who punches the other, Warton Little.

They began to throw punches at each other, each getting a good right hook or so.

"HEY, HEY! BREAK IT UP!" I yell at them, splitting them apart. They try and break my grasp, but Kickin' comes and helps me with Erik, and I hold back Warton.

"You two, timeout! Now!" I say, and they look down, regretting the fight.

"Thanks, Kickin'." I say, "Yeah, no problem, dude." He replies.

I say goodbye to the chicken, as I walk away. I see CatNap watching from afar.

I look over at him, and he just ignores the fact that I am.

I go up to him, "Did you see the fight?" I ask him, and he nods. "Well... why didn't you decide to come and help me with it?" I question the cat.

He looks at me, and I look back. He then gets up, and starts to walk away. "I'm sorry if you took that to offense, but still... it's part of our jobs. We see a fight, we break it up and send the kids to timeout." I speak at CatNap.

He stops walking all of a sudden, and I could see him smile a bit. He never really smiles often anymore, but it warms my heart when he does.

"Something funny... or?" I speak. He looks back at me and grabs my shoulder. "I'm alright, pups." He pretty much mutters. He then takes his hand off my shoulder and walks off.

Wow, I never expected him to speak to me... Well, he did.

I shrug it off, and act as if it were normal in our lives.

His voice sounds a lot deeper than it used to. And he used to talk to us, be happy with us, and a lot more fun stuff like that.

I guess he's just... different now.

I begin to walk to home sweet home, since that's where I got to work next.

I walk inside the home styled building and walk down the main hall.

I walk into the playroom, which is where I'm supposed to be to entertain some children.

There's a bunch of kids slinging around fake swords, throwing letter blocks, and digging for gold.

Everyone looks at me, and all at once, "DogDay!" They all say.

"Hey everybody, what's going on, how've you been?" I ask all of them.

There's a mix of goods, and alrights in the crowd.

"Well, why not we have some fun?" I ask them, and they all get excited.

We started off by playing some Simon Says, and then we played four corners.

We played a couple more games, and the bell rang. "Well kids, I hope you all have fun!" I say happily to all of them.

I walk outside, and see CatNap once again, just standing there, looking at some kids pass by. Some of them try greeting him, but the cat only gives a slight wave back, attempting to be kind to the 5-15 year olds.

Once everyone has disappeared, I walk up to him once again.

"You could at least speak to the children! Come on Cat..." I say, lightly punching his shoulder, like how some friends do.

I could see him slightly look downward, and I swear I cold see tears coming out of his eyes.

"Cat? You alright?" I ask him, and he continues to shed tears, without making noise though.

I decide to hug him, which I haven't been able to do for years. He never wants a hug, or a high five from anyone anymore.

He doesn't hug back, but I don't care. It's still a hug.

I pat his back and his head.

"Well, do you need some company? Or... Do you want alone time?" I asked. He shrugs, gets up, and hugs me, only for about 3 seconds though. After that, he walks away.

I smile, and go home.

(time skip cause I'm too lazy to write the walk home.)

I arrive home, and immediately go to my bedroom. I jump onto my bed, and take in the lavender-like smell.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

1016 WORDS

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Thanks to whoever decides to read this! And I will see you next chapter!

Solar Eclipse 🌑 [Book 1]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя