Truth or Dare

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AJ looked over and saw us all sat around, and I looked over and saw him and Tenn. It seemed like they were going to go back to the watchtower—but AJ wanted to join in on our game instead. The two boys walked over as Louis shuffled his deck of cards, and someone had gotten a fire going, too.

    "Uh, we haven't played a game in weeks, since that night with Marlon," Violet spoke up.

    Louis looked over at Aasim, and glanced over at Ruby who was off doing something of her own, "I mean, if you want to go ask Ruby to come play, I don't mind waiting."

    Aasim seemed to get a little embarrassed, "Shut up, dude! I swear to god."

    "It sounds like someone has the hots for Rubyyyy," I teased, even though I was one to talk when it came to Clementine—who was still holding me in her lap.

    "Y/N's right. You've got a crush on Ruby?" Violet asked.

Aasim seemed nervous for a moment—and he looked away when AJ and Tenn appeared.

    "What're we playing?" AJ asked.

    "Truth or Dare!" Louis replied, looking over. He was still shuffling his deck.

    "You don't use cards in Truth or Dare," Violet said and looked over.

    "I think I get where he's going with this," I spoke up. "Highest card gets to ask, the lowest card has to answer?"

    "That's exactly what I was thinking," Louis said with a chuckle. "Can you read minds or something?"

    "I don't think so," I said. "It was just a lucky guess."

AJ sat beside Clem and I on the ground, sitting against a chair that was on its side. Tenn sat beside Violet on the couch that was to the right of AJ. After Louis finished shuffling the cards, he handed the deck over to me. I took a card and then gave it to Clem, before she passed it to Violet and it got passed around until everyone had one. Clem had a three of diamonds, Violet had an ace of diamonds. She had the highest card while Clem had the lowest.

    "This should be good. Let's see..." Violet said and looked over, "Truth. Marry-Fuck-Kiss-Kill."

"Vi," Tenn said—disgusted by the 'fuck' part.

"Fine. Marry-Flip-Kiss-Kill," Violet said, sounding a little annoyed. "Ruby, Aasim, Y/N, or...James, that guy that saved you."

"Oh my god," Clem looked down and shook her head—and I noticed that her face was a light red.

"Why did you throw my name in there?" I asked, remembering that in the game it was only Marry-Flip-Kill and not Marry-Flip-Kiss-Kill...

"I had to list four people, you're one of the four," Violet replied—giving me a look that said you know why...and I did know. I had a feeling that everyone was going to dogpile me because of my crush on Clem.

"You gotta answer them, them's the rules," Louis said to Clem.    

    Clem looked into the fire and thought, "Mm. Let's see, I would marry...Y/N," She said, almost without hesitation.

Louis, Violet and Aasim gave me a glance, and I stared up at Clem in surprise.

    "" I asked, my face a light pink.

    "You're good company, compassionate, protective, brave..." Clem said, looking down at me. "I could go on."

    "Well, that settles that," Louis said and gave me a wink—I shot him a glare.

    "I would, um, flip..." Clem trailed off.

    "Flip, flip, flip, flip," Louis chanted.

    "Flip, flip, flip, flip," AJ chanted with Louis.

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