Smoke In the Night Air

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"Raiders?" Louis asked to be sure.

"Yep," I said with a nod.

"They're here," Clem said.

"Shit," Louis said and looked down. "Well, in case it all goes to hell, and I don't see you again during the fight, just know..." He said, looking at Clem. "I have no idea what that D stands for on your hat." Clem gave Louis a look, probably about to say what the D stood for. "Don't tell me, I prefer it to remain a mystery. But I'm going to pretend it stands for, Don't Die. So uh, both of you, listen to the hat. Okay?"

I chuckled a little with a nod, "We got it."

"We're ready," Tenn said.

"They've got at least four more people, all carrying guns. And carts, probably to carry people away," Clem said.

"Oh, no," Willy said.

Mitch scoffed, "Assholes."

"I can't believe they're actually here," Ruby said.

"If they get inside, I'll keep them focused on me," Clem said. "That should give Willy and Mitch time to set up the bomb."

"I'll set it under those carts," Mitch said, his arms crossed. "It'll work, I promise."

"If they manage to get in, we fall back," Clem said, looking around at everyone.

"To the admin building," Louis said and pointed at the building behind us.

"Exactly. Right into our traps," Clem said with a smile.

"They're in for a rude fucking surprise," Aasim said. "Those duffel bags will break bones, easy." He balled up a hand and punched his palm.

"Oh hell yeah, but they're the ones who fucked with us," I commented.

"So, uh, any final words of wisdom?" Louis asked. "You've faced them and won, after all. Well, sort of."

"Louis, shut it," Violet said.

"Let's show those fuckers that they fucked with the wrong boarding school full of troubled youth," I said with a grin.

"Just try not to—" Clem went to say, but got cut off by a bullet whizzing through.

Everything else happened so quickly—the bullet had struck Omar in the leg, making him collapse back, holding his wounded leg.

"Holy–!" Omar exclaimed.

"Jesus fucking christ!" Aasim yelled.

"Oh no oh no," Ruby said frantically.

"Oh fuck!" Louis quickly turned away.

"Shit, shit!" Omar stared at his leg, it was gushing blood.

"Hide! Now!" Clem yelled, and everyone else scattered.

Clem had rushed over to help Omar, and AJ and I stood in front of her. I was going to help her, but she gave me a serious look.

"AJ! Y/N, hide!" Clem told us.

I looked at Clem for a moment and AJ ran off, and then I ran off to hide. I didn't want to leave Clem, but I knew she'd make it through. Clem started dragging Omar back, as we heard a hoarse male voice break through the night air.

"Come on! Push!" He shouted.

"Clementine? I know you're in there!" Lilly called. "Clementine?"

I had hid with Tenn...hoping that I could keep him from running out of cover at the mention of Minnie. Clem managed to drag Omar back behind a few picnic tables we had overturned for cover.

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