Settled Dust

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The dust and ash had settled on the events that happened the night before. The sun was starting to come up as the sky was a blend of warm colors, such as orange and pink. Willy was still kneeling beside Mitch's body...he was distraught.

"Mitch..." Willy weeped softly, holding one of his bloody hands. "I...I..."

Ruby and I had covered his face with a white rag before she patched up my leg. It was still sore, but I wasn't going to let that get in the way. Ruby had a shovel and was cleaning up some debris—and Clem looked over her shoulder at her. Ruby looked over for a moment...but they both looked away. I walked up beside Clem, before I walked over to Willy with Clem.

"At the start, I was so little, and...and Mitch looked after me," Willy said and shook his head—the streams of tears glinting in the rising sunlight. I crouched beside him and gently put a hand on his back without a word. "People said he was a dick sometimes, but he was always nice to me." Willy looked down at Mitch, before he looked away. "And now...he's gone..."

I sighed softly and gave his back a gentle rub, before I looked up at Clem who watched without a word. "Stabbed in the eye by some asshole who never even knew his name," Willy continued.

Clem then stood behind him and I, looking at Willy as she put a hand on his shoulder. "Look, I promise you Willy...the people who did this? We're going to hit them back," Clem said sternly. "They're going to regret ever coming near us."

"If Mitch were here, he wouldn't cry. He'd find a way to get our friends back," Willy said, his voice harsh. "Then he'd bash Lilly's brains out with a rock."

"We'll get them back, and we'll hit them harder than they hit us, Willy," I told him just as Louis walked over.

"Abel's tied up in the basement. He passed out from the pain," Louis said to Clem, and I stood up.

"Thanks," Clem said with a soft sigh.

"AJ wanted to stay down there and keep an eye on him," Louis continued.

Ruby and Tenn walked over. Ruby had the shovel over her shoulder as we all stood there in silence, before Louis crouched down beside Willy.

"Hey, buddy...It's time for us to bury Mitch, and say our goodbyes," Louis said softly.

Tenn walked forward in an attempt to talk to Willy, "I'll help y—" he was barely able to speak before he got shoved back by Willy.

"Get away from him! You're the reason why he's dead!" Willy shouted as Tenn fell back against the pavement.

"Willy!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Well, it's true! We had a plan and that idiot messed it up!" Willy said...and he had a point. "Y/N tried to keep him back but he didn't stay with her!"

"Hey! Cut that shit out," Clem said sternly and I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Someone's gotta say it! It's what everyone's thinking!" Willy said.

"Clem...he's got a point," I said softly before I looked at everyone. "Tension's high and we've all been through a lot in only a few hours."

Tenn looked at us before he ran off, ashamed of what he had done.

"Tenn!" Ruby said and reached out, but he was gone in a quick moment.

"Let me handle this. You and Y/N talk to Abel, see if you can't find out where Lilly took Vi, Omar, and Aasim," Louis said and we turned to look at him. "I wanted to hurt him, you know, to make him talk. But...I just couldn't. Maybe you guys will get more out of him than I did."

Louis gave us both a nod before I took Clem's hand. I gave her a small smile before we looked over at the basement door and walked over. I shuttered a little when I stared down at it...remembering everything that happened with Brody and Marlon...I hoped the bloodstains would be gone. I helped Clem open the basement door, before we descended down the stone steps. I looked down at a puddle of dried blood, shaking my head.

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