Fire and Smoke

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Both Clementine awoke sitting against the railing of the ship—walkers swarming the water below as the boat tilted to the side. Fire illuminated the dark sky, giving everything a soft orange glow as smoke billowed with the wind. Our hands were locked tightly together as we both looked over...I shuddered at the sight of Lilly's deceased body as it slid beside us. It was covered in blood and bullet holes. Slowly our hands let go as we stood up, and the boat continued to tilt. Another violent explosion rattled the ship and a large gust of wind blew Clemetine's hat right off her head. Both of us tried reaching for it—I almost threw myself off the railing trying to get it back for her, but it evaded our fingers and fell into the water below. I watched as Clementine's eyes filled with the deepest sadness I've ever seen as her hat was carried away by the current.

"Clem! Y/N!" AJ shouted behind us and we both whipped around.

AJ was barely holding on to a part of the smoke stat that had been blown open by the first explosion.

"Hang on! We're coming!" Clem called to him.

"We'll be right there, AJ!" I told him.

Clementine and I looked at one another, before we nodded firmly. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and I looked down, realizing there was a shard of metal that had pierced it. I ignored it—AJ was in trouble and we needed to go. Together, Clem and I leapt to a life raft that was barely hanging on as it slowly slipped off the side. We were right below AJ.

"AJ, you have to trust me!" I called to the boy who was hanging on for dear life. "On the count of three, let go! Clem and I will catch you!"

"Promise?" AJ asked.

"Promise," Clem reassured him.

"One," I said.

"Two," Clem continued.

"Three!" Clem and I shouted in unison.

AJ let go and slipped down the tilted deck of the ship, and together Clem and I caught him. He almost landed into the water below, but we managed to pull him into the life raft.

"Now what?" AJ asked frantically.

"We need to find a way down," Clem told him.

"This ship isn't going to stay afloat much longer," I said and looked at the two.

Another explosion rocked the boat again, causing the life raft we were sat in swayed. AJ looked over and saw some crates that was close to the edge of the deck.

"There!" AJ exclaimed and pointed. "We can climb down from there!"

"Well, we have to get there first," Clem said. "Okay, we've got to jump. I know it's far, but it's the only way."

"I don't know if I'll be able to make it," I said nervously and looked down at my leg. The metal was still poking out of the wound. Clem's eyes followed my gaze before they widened. She looked up at me, the reflection of the flames danced in her eyes...they were full of worry.

"You'll make it, Y/N," She said sternly before she looked over and saw the rope was close to snapping.

"You both go first," I nodded towards the crate. "Let him go first. He's the lightest."

"You'll need a running start, AJ," Clem told him.

"I don't know, Clem," AJ told her.

"Come on, you can do this, AJ," Clem replied.

"What about Y/N?" He asked.

"All I care about is you two being safe," I said strictly. "You can do it. Do it for me. For us. Just run, and jump."

[COMPLETED] All or Nothing | Clementine (S4) x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now