Chapter 10

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Within the next few weeks, Chloe rarely left Beca's side if she didn't have classes. She wanted to be there when the small DJ awoke. She knew it was selfish, but she wanted her face to be the first that Beca saw when she opened her eyes.

If she ever opens her eyes, the voice in the back of her mind whispered. Chloe tried to shut out the voice but her studies made it hard to. She knew the extent of damage to Beca's body. The doctors were calling it a miracle that she had started breathing on her own when taken off life-support.

The doctors had gone through with them all what damage had been done to Beca. The truck had hit the back corner of the cab where Beca had been sitting and she had taken the majority of the impact. The whole left side of her body had been crushed by the crumpled taxi. Her left arm was severely broken, to what extent she might ever use it again, the doctors couldn't tell until she woke up. Surprisingly, her leg had just been crushed and not broken. It appeared that the padding on the car door had prevented any broken bones in her leg. The doctors were worried, however, of nerve damage in her leg and, again, couldn't be certain of that until the brunette was responsive. Chloe remembered the horror she had felt when the doctors had told her that Beca's ribcage had been shattered. One of her ribs had splintered and punctured her lung. The doctors, though, had managed to reset her ribs and were confident that she should make a full recovery from this. What worried the doctors most was the head trauma that Beca had received from being thrown around inside the cab. Again, until she woke, the doctors were uncertain of the affect that this would have on her. Chloe knew from reading about such cases that memory loss was common. It caused her great discomfort to think that Beca could wake up with no memory of the redhead. Finally, the doctors were worried that Beca had flatlined for too long and might never wake up. It was possible that she could be brain-damaged from lack of oxygen to the brain. Another thought that turned Chloe's insides.

Aubrey had also been visiting the hospital frequently. Despite what her best-friend said, she still felt responsible for Beca's injuries. She would often just sit with Chloe in silence, relishing in the fact that Beca was still alive and fighting. Being as stubborn as Beca usually was. The thought made Aubrey smile slightly.

It was a cold and wet Wednesday when Chloe found herself alone with Beca again. It wasn't an uncommon thing anymore. Even the nurses recognised her now. She sat in the hard hospital chair which she had pulled up to the side of Beca's bed and she now held the brunette's hand gently within her own.

The room was darker today due to the weather and the redhead felt her eyelids droop. She had been getting very little sleep recently, usually seeing the broken body of the girl before her in her dreams. She usually kept herself awake when she was at the hospital, but today she let her eyes droop down as she succumbed to her slumber.

Beca was pacing in her bedroom before her. Chloe couldn't help the smirk that she had picked up from the younger girl form across her lips.

"She's the worst. How can she even think that anyone will recognise the songs in the set list?" unsurprisingly, the short brunette was complaining about Aubrey. The two had had another spat in rehearsals today. Chloe had really wanted Beca to take the solo but it had ended up going to Fat Amy. The redhead had seen that beneath the calm exterior, Beca had been upset at the whole situation and had come to her dorm room afterwards to see if she was alright.

Chloe stood and walked over to Beca. She grabbed her shoulders and spun her until she faced her. Chloe tried to ignore the butterflies that she felt when standing in such an intimate close proximity to the small DJ. Chloe was delighted to see the tension melt when she held Beca.

"Why don't we do something? Escape for a while. We can get in my car and drive until we run out of road." She half-whispered.

She knew it was reckless and stupid and could get them both in trouble, but she didn't care. As long as she was with Beca it didn't matter.

She saw the hesitation in Beca's face. But then the brunette smiled. "I'd like that."

Chloe couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. She couldn't stop the next words from coming out of her mouth. "It's a date then." She turned to grab her bag, but also to hide her embarrassment at saying that.

"So it is then." The redhead spun around and was met with the familiar smirk of the girl who had just accepted that it was a sort of non-date that they were going on. As friends.

The two girls grabbed their stuff and made their way to the redhead's car. Chloe already knew where she wanted to take the younger girl. They both climbed in and Chloe began the journey, feigning that she didn't know where they were going.

Chloe let Beca put on a radio station and the two sat in comfortable silence for an hour and a half until they reached their destination.

The redhead had taken them to a large forest. As she pulled up, she looked over at Beca and was expecting to be met with some sort of resistance about how she wasn't actually an outdoors person.

Instead, the brunette quietly said, "it's beautiful."

Chloe could only stare at the other girl. Every day, Beca managed to surprise her. Today was certainly no different. The brunette quickly exited the car, followed closely by the redhead.

They walked a ways into the forest, marvelling in the silence. Chloe watched Beca constantly look around her, wide-eyed.

"I never would have figured you for an outdoor kind of girl." She said, watching as the small DJ turned to face her, smiling.

"What can I say, Red? I'm full of surprises." She smirked her signature smirk and continued walking. That you are Beca, that you are, the redhead thought.

The two continued walking in silence before Chloe made the bold move and took Beca's hand. The brunette turned to look at her and smiled. Even a small smile like this set Chloe's heart off. Chloe was surprised at how comfortable the small girl was at the moment. Usually she would blush and pull herself away from any contact, but here she seemed truly at peace with herself. Chloe loved this side of her. It was like she was listening to the music of nature and it set her at ease with all of her problems. Problems that Chloe didn't know but was certain that she would find out.

Beca suddenly jerked her hand out of Chloe's. The redhead looked at her to ask why and saw her disappearing into the distance amongst the trees. Chloe tried to call out to her and to follow her, but something was holding her back. Something had her by the hand. She looked down and saw nothing. She tried to follow the brunette again but to no avail. Whatever had hold of her hand wasn't about to let her go.

Chloe jerked awake. She had fallen asleep on the side of Beca's bed with the brunette's hand still in her own. She looked at their entwined hands and saw the small girl hand twitch slightly, squeezing her own hand.

"Beca?" she whispered.

She quickly pressed the call button and watched the petite form in front of her. A doctor and two nurses hurried in, checking her monitors. Chloe could see that Beca's heart-rate was elevated.

"What's happening? What's going on?" she questioned, frightened. She had already lost Beca once. She couldn't do it again.

The doctor looked up from the monitor with wide eyes.

"She's waking up."

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