chapter 37

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Chloe took a deep breath. The pre-performance nerves were really shaking her up. She had never performed with her new range. What if she sounded stupid? What if everybody laughed at her? She shook those thoughts away and turned towards Aubrey. The blonde was pale and was breathing deeply. Chloe knew that she had a lot riding on this. Her reputation was already so damaged that she had a very small opportunity to redeem herself, but she was going to try. Chloe placed her hand on Aubrey's arm comfortingly. The blonde looked at her and smiled.

"Is Beca here yet?" she asked.

Chloe shook her head. The small brunette should have been there half an hour ago. Chloe tried to ignore the seed of worry that was sprouting in her chest. She had enough to worry about as it was. But she would always worry about Beca. Just as she was about to answer, Fat Amy's loud voice rang out from behind them.

"Yo Shortstuff! Thought you weren't going to turn up!"

Both girls turned sharply. Beca was approaching them. Chloe couldn't help but think that she looked beautiful. She wore high-waisted pants with a blue shirt, the colours matching those that the rest of the Bellas were wearing.

"Speak of the Devil..." Aubrey muttered, not unkindly.

Beca smirked at the blonde. "It's nice to see you too Aubrey."

Chloe smiled before engulfing the smaller girl in a hug. "You look gorgeous." She mumbled into Beca's hair.

The redhead could feel Beca smirk. "Just wait until you see what I'm wearing underneath." She replied just as quietly. Chloe choked on her own saliva as many not-so-pure thoughts raced through her mind. She pulled back to look into the navy eyes that she loved. "Better?"

Chloe frowned. "Huh?"

"Your nerves." Of course Beca had noticed how nervous she was. And she had made those nerves go away, admittedly with dirty thoughts, but Chloe did feel better. Again she wondered how she had ever deserved a person like Beca. Instead of voicing her thoughts, she reached over and grabbed the back of Beca's neck, pulling her to her lips. She was met with no resistance as she felt Beca's tongue slide along her bottom lip, begging to granted entry. Without any hesitation Chloe allowed it, revelling in the feeling that kissing Beca still gave her. She still felt butterflies erupt throughout her entire being and fireworks dance behind her eyes. Beca could really kiss. Chloe honestly didn't know how she didn't just take Beca right then and there in front of everybody. Hell, they were both so hot that they would be doing the others a favour.

"Ok that's enough. Don't ruin your make-up." Aubrey's voice cut through the couple's moment of bliss. Chloe felt Beca smile against the kiss before pulling away. She pecked Chloe on the lips before turning to Aubrey.

"Sorry Bree."

Aubrey raised an eyebrow. "No you're not."

"You're right. I'm not." Beca smirked and Aubrey shook her head in mock exasperation.

Beca turned to the stage where the Hullabahoos were finishing their set of the Final Countdown. She saw the Treblemakers and quickly made her way to Jesse. He looked up as she approached.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is the badass DJ Beca Mitchell here as a Barden Bella?"

Beca smacked him playfully. "Well, I was going to wish you luck but I'm not so sure anymore." Jesse pouted at her. "Oh please." Still pouting. "Fine. May the best all female group win. Oh wait, that still gives you a chance." Jesse laughed at his friend's antics. She wasn't going to change any time soon. He opened his arms and leant in for a hug, but Beca pulled away. "Dude no. I don't do human contact." Jesse laughed harder and forcefully pulled Beca into his embrace. He continued to laugh as she protested but they both knew that she didn't mean it.

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