chapter 27

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Life isn't a fairytale.

You don't get a Prince Charming. You don't get a happy ending. Finding love is a miracle. But sometimes, not even love is strong enough to fight the world.

This is what Chloe now knew. She had always hoped that her life would have some semblance of a fairytale.

That was until she met Beca Mitchell.

In fairytales, love is this beautiful thing that happens between two people. A special sweet thing. But to Chloe, love was falling for Beca. And hard. The thing about falling is that at times, you feel like you are flying, but, you will inevitably hit the bottom. And no amount of love will stop that from hurting. It is the kind of fall that breaks a heart, not bones. And Chloe Beale falling for Beca Mitchell was the hardest fall that she could ever have.

Realising that she loved the small brunette had given her the brief feeling of flight. But that was quashed when Aubrey pulled Beca from that cab. She continued to fall when Beca didn't get better. Finally it was time to turn off the life-support. But Chloe felt the wings of flight erupt from her body as Beca began breathing on her own. Those wings stayed with her for a week. A week of hope.

Nothing is more dangerous than hope.

Hope allows us to believe when there is nothing else. And when hope is gone, you are left with nothing. And what's the point of living if you have nothing?

Chloe's wings of hope were ripped from her body when Beca woke with no memories. From then on, Chloe learnt to guard herself carefully. She didn't fly again until Beca kissed her and remembered. She thought that it would be alright. That her fairytale would come true. The two heroines had battled through the challenge and had come out on top, proving that their love was strong enough to conquer all.

But Chloe was still falling.

She hit her bottom when she walked back into that room with the doctor. Something was wrong. She remembered wondering if Beca had fallen asleep or was just lying there thinking. It never even occurred to her that the smaller girl wasn't breathing. Everything should have been happy. They had won their happy ending. They deserved it.

But life isn't a fairytale.

Chloe had watched the doctor approach Beca and check for a pulse. Why was he doing that? She had left literally a minute ago. What could happen within a minute?

Code Blue.

That was all she heard before she hit the bottom. Eyes rolling back she slumped to the floor, unable to take anymore.

She had fallen.

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