chapter 15

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Chloe hated herself for not visiting Beca more. Or again. But she couldn't bare seeing the girl that she had fallen for who had no idea who she was. When there was no recognition in her eyes, it broke Chloe's heart all over again.

It had been a week since Beca had woken up and Chloe hadn't returned to the hospital. She had barely left her apartment, save to go to important lectures and practicals. Aubrey had been amazing throughout all of this. Chloe suspected that the blonde knew about her feelings towards the brunette, but she never mentioned it. Aubrey sat with her every night as she debated with herself whether or not she should go and see Beca. But every time she came up with the same reason to not go. She wasn't ready. And besides, she was sure that Beca would be getting loads of visitors. Her parents must hardly leave her side. She wouldn't miss Chloe. She didn't know Chloe.

However, throughout the week, Chloe had been working up the courage to go back to the hospital. Staying away from Beca was almost as painful as being with her. The thought amused her slightly. Again, it was as if her life had turned into a romance novel. Except Chloe knew that the ending wouldn't be a happy one.

She had finally decided, with the help of Aubrey that she would go and see Beca tomorrow. Aubrey, being the good friend that she was, was going with her. Chloe still had a sneaking suspicion that Aubrey still felt like it was her fault for the brunette's condition, despite all of her own objections. Chloe knew that she wasn't the only one who needed support. So she was there for Aubrey as much as the blonde was there for her.


The next day, Chloe was panicking about what to wear to go and see Beca. Aubrey had said that she was overthinking everything, but Chloe noticed the effort that Aubrey had gone to to look nice to see the brunette. So Chloe decided to do the same. She wore a blue and white shirt that Beca had actually gotten her and tight black skinny jeans. She paired all of this off with a pair of ballet pumps. At least if it went badly today then she looked nice. But she hoped that it wouldn't go badly today. She wanted so desperately to get the old Beca back and had realised that she had been quite selfish in the past week by not visiting her because she couldn't deal with it. Beca was her best-friend and she should have been there for her no matter what. Even if she had fallen for her best-friend and it was painful to see no recognition in her gorgeous blue eyes, she should have been there for her.

Aubrey drove them to the hospital. As Chloe got out of the car, she stared up at the building, being truly scared of it for the first time. This whole experience had made her question whether or not her decision to study medicine was a good one. But in the end she had decided that helping people like Beca who didn't deserve what had happened was the best.

She hadn't realised how long she had been standing there looking at the building unitl Aubrey approached her. "Chlo? Do you still want to go in?"

Chloe licked her dry lips. She could only nod as she stared into Aubrey's green eyes. The other girl had no idea of the confidence that she was giving her best-friend, and vice versa to be honest. Aubrey honestly didn't know what she would do without Chloe throughout this whole situation. In fact, Aubrey realised how lucky she was to have known Chloe for as long as she had. The girl was her rock when work got too stressful or when she couldn't cope with her stress-vomiting. She knew that only a best-friend would stick around through that.

The blonde held out her hand to the other girl who gratefully took it. Chloe wished that the walk to Beca's room was longer. She was thinking of what she would say to her. Maybe she would just talk to her, explain what she used to be like. Or maybe they could just listen to music, if Beca still liked it.

However, all of these thoughts left her head as she and Aubrey turned the corner of the hospital corridor. Beca's room had been cordoned off with police tape. Cops were everywhere. Terror and horror grew in the pit of her stomach. What had happened? Was Beca alright?

Chloe hurried over to the closest nurse.

"Excuse me, what happened?"

The nurse looked at her. Chloe could see that she was tired. As if she had been answering questions for hours.

"Do you know Miss Mitchell?" when Chloe nodded, the nurse sighed. "I'm very sorry to tell you this, but Miss Mitchell is missing."

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