chapter 26

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Chloe tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair. She tapped her pen against her lip thoughtfully as she read about amnesia. She was trying to understand about Beca's condition as much as possible so that she could help the other girl.

It had been a week since she had had her nodes removed and she could now speak and sing again with minimal pain. The doctors had said that in another week, singing should be pain free. She still couldn't believe the effort Beca had gone through to see her. She had even sung for her. Butterflies erupted in Chloe's stomach every time she thought of the song. How Beca had perfectly fused three beautiful and sad songs.

She looked up to the brunette who was currently engrossed in her laptop. She had no idea what the brunette was doing but didn't want to pry. Instead, she chose to observe her. She had tied her chocolate locks into a messy ponytail, but a few strands fell around her face, and all Chloe wanted to do was to brush them behind her ears. Occasionally, Beca's forehead creased in concentration, and she unknowingly pouted. Chloe had always thought that she looked gorgeous in her dark makeup, but without that, there was another side to Beca entirely. It wasn't necessarily vulnerable, but it was special, and Chloe loved it. Like she loved her.

It was as if being here with Beca constantly had intensified her feelings towards the brunette. That time that she had spent away getting her nodes removed had been torturous. She realised that she never wanted to leave the brunette's side again.

But, like all love, there was a pain there too. She couldn't tell Beca how she was feeling. There was no way that the brunette could ever reciprocate her feelings. And that actually hurt. Chloe felt the tightness in her chest every time she thought about it. It made her want to cry. Especially with the way that the brunette had been acting towards her since her procedure. Beca had taken it upon herself to make sure that Chloe was taken care of properly and would recover to her full extent.

Chloe was pulled from her thoughts by her phone buzzing on the table beside her. She had to read the text a couple of times over before she understood it. She couldn't believe it. The Bellas were back in the competition.

Beca had looked up when Chloe had looked away from her. The intensity of the redhead's gaze caused the brunette to feel hot all over. She was slowly working up the courage to look up and into those crystal blue eyes that she had come to love. Yes, Beca Mitchell had fallen for this girl. Beca didn't really know when it had happened, but this girl had come to mean everything to the brunette. She was the meaning of life for her, the reason to keep going.

Beca watched as Chloe read something on her phone, her eyes wide in shock. Suddenly that look had changed into a wide grin. A grin that reached her eyes and made them sparkle better than any star in the sky.

Chloe brought her eyes up to meet Beca's questioning deep blue ones. She couldn't stop herself from leaping from her chair and onto the brunette's bed, enveloping the smaller girl in a gentle bear hug. Chloe held the brunette in her arms for a moment longer than she should have, but when she pulled away, she found the brunette smiling widely.

"The Bellas are back in the competition!" she all but squealed. "Aubrey just texted me saying that one of the other teams got disqualified."

Beca laughed at the girl before her. She still couldn't really understand the appeal behind acappella but she was happy if the redhead was happy. And Chloe was ecstatic.

"That's great Chlo! I know how much this means to you." She leant forward and wrapped her good arm around the other girl, trying to ignore how well the two fit together. When she pulled back, she was a little surprised to find the other girl blushing slightly, but she chose to ignore it.

Again, dark blue met light blue. Except this time, something was different. They were in incredibly close proximity to one another, feeling each other's breaths on their faces. There was a tension between the two. Chloe's eyes involuntarily strayed to Beca's lips, something that didn't go unnoticed by the brunette. Before she could really think about what she was doing, Beca closed the gap between them and softly pressed her lips to Chloe's.

It was a sweet kiss, both girls revelling in how right it felt. When Beca had kissed Chloe, the redhead had felt whole for the first time in a long time. She couldn't actually believe that Beca had kissed her. Was kissing her. It was better than any dream. It was perfect.

Beca was the first to pull away. When she opened her eyes, she was met with beautiful blue orbs staring at her with what she could only describe as love. Her feelings and those eyes sent a jolt through Beca's body. Images were flashing before her eyes. Her parents' divorce. Getting her first tattoo. Meeting Chloe and Aubrey at the activities fair. Chloe bursting in on her shower. Laughing in rehearsals at Fat Amy's beatboxing. The semi-finals.

She remembered everything.

She grabbed Chloe by the back of her neck and brought her lips to hers once again. This was different. This was urgent. This was needed. This is what she had been wanting to do since she had met the redhead. Chloe, shocked at first, was quick to respond, moving her lips in time with the brunette's. When Beca pulled away this time, there was something else in her face. Something Chloe hadn't seen in a long time.

"Chloe." Beca whispered. "I remember. It was always you. It was only you. You made me remember."

Chloe could only stare. Beca, her Beca, was back. Beca had remembered. And she had still kissed her.


Beca kissed her again. It was another short sweet one. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

A smile crept across Chloe's face. Beca remembered! Chloe leapt forward and wrapped her arms around the younger girl's neck. Beca was laughing and Chloe couldn't help but laugh along with her. She hadn't even realised that she was crying until Beca wiped the tears off her face with her thumb.

"Beca! I, you, but-"

Beca laughed again. "I never thought that I would see the one and only Chloe Beale speechless." That was definitely the Beca she knew. Chloe, unable to help herself, surged forward and grabbed Beca's face in both of her hands and pressed her lips to Beca's once again. Each time didn't change. There were still sparks with each kiss. Each and every kiss was special.

"I'll get the doctor." The redhead said excitedly, unable to believe how perfect this day was. She bounded out of the room happily.

Beca watched her go. She couldn't believe how happy she was. Chloe liked her back. That alone made everything worth it.

Beca let out a deep breath as she tried to blink away the increasing pain in her head. Her peripheral vision blurred and spots danced in her eyes.

And then it all went black.

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