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Mirana's phone buzzes and she glances down to see in the group chat that Lucy has three points and Nolan has seven

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Mirana's phone buzzes and she glances down to see in the group chat that Lucy has three points and Nolan has seven

"Nolan and Lucy are now on the board as well," Mirana says.

"Damn it," Tim sighs. "Call Nell. Put her on speaker"

Mirana pulls out her city-issued phone before finding Nell's number and pressing on it.


"Hey, it's Officer Bradford. You haven't forgotten about me, have you?"

"No. Of course not. Um, we've actually just we've been a little slow. Oh, um, we just got a 911 call DUI hit-and-run, teenage pedestrian injured. Black 528i. Last seen eastbound on Melrose"

"Perfect. Attach us to that, please. And, Nell -"


"You're the best,"

Mirana hangs up the phone and shoots Tim a pointed look, causing him to frown in confusion.


"You do realise that at some point you have to tell her you've just been using her to win a competition?" Mirana asks him. "Potentially snatching all of her self-confidence and sticking it in a blender"

"I will tell her," Tim says.

Mirana smirks. "When? After we win and she's on the podium cheering for Team Bradford? Only to then have her heart cruelly ripped from her chest?"

"Alright, maybe I'll find a way to make it up to her. But for now, let's focus on this hit-and-run. There!"

Mirana grabs the radio. "7-Adam-19, DUI suspect sighted heading east on Melrose. - 7-Adam-19, turning north onto Serrano"

Tim speeds after them, lights flashing and sirens blaring as they remain on the tail of the DUI suspect. The car turns a corner and a loud crash sounds through the air.

They round the corner to see the car has collided with a metal gate. Mirana and Tim are quick to climb out of the car.

"Let's go," Tim says and they begin to run towards the car. "He might try and run"

"Tim!" Mirana arrives at the car first, her eyes widening at the scene before him.

"Whoa, this is a first," Tim says.

The DUI driver turns to look at Mirana, breathing heavily. A large metal pole, clearly from the gate, is embedded into his chest, pinning him to his seat.

"Don't worry. I'm not going a-anywhere,"

"7-Adam-19, DUI suspect crashed at Melrose and Serrano. We need ambulance and fire, Code 3," Tim says into his radio.

Mirana pulls her latex gloves out of her pocket, pulling them onto her hands before she climbs into the back of the car.

"What are you doing?" Tim asks.

"I'm going to hold his head in position," Mirana says. "Keep an eye on his pulse"

"That's not our job," Tim says.

"We have a duty of care to everyone," Mirana replies, gently holding the man's head. "I'm trained for this"

"Should I pull it out?" The man asks as Tim heads back to the police car.

"No, that's stopping you from bleeding out right now," Mirana says. "Do not touch it"

Tim runs back over, bolt cutters in hand as Mirana checks her watch.

"Stay still. I'm gonna cut this pipe,"

"Tim, EMTs and firefighters are on their way. Just leave it,"

"Three, two..."

Tim cuts the pipe, leaving some of it still sticking out of the driver's body.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, One will be appointed to represent you. Do you understand each of these rights?"

"Yes, sir,"

"What have we got?" An EMT asks Mirana as they prepare to switch places.

"Male, late twenties, metal spike to the chest. His heart rate is sky high so his BP is probably dropping"

"You okay to help us get him out?" The EMT asks. "Monitor his vitals?"

"Of course,"

"Now, you're required to provide a chemical sample if suspected of driving while impaled - sorry, impaired. You can choose between blood, breath, or urine. A refusal will result in the immediate suspension of your license for a minimum of a year"


"Tim, you need to move," Mirana says.

"On three!" The EMT calls. "One, two, three!"

They lift the man out of the car and the metal rod shifts, blood spraying on Mirana's top. The woman grimaces as she peels off her latex gloves.

"We need to get him to surgery!"

"No, not before I get my blood draw. 21-gauge vial," Tim says.

"Can't this wait?" Mirana asks.

"Why?" Tim snaps. "Because he's dying? This guy got drunk and hit a kid with his car, maybe killed him. If we wait, his blood alcohol will return to normal, and we'll lose a crucial piece of evidence"

"And you sure this has nothing to do with the 7-point felony arrest?"

"Criminals get hurt all the time during a crime. They don't get special treatment if they get a boo-boo. Understood?"

Mirana just nods in response, walking around to the trunk of the car as an EMT hands a vial of blood to Tim, who seals it in an evidence bag.

"Now call in our 7 points,"

"I'm taking off my bloody shirt first," Mirana says, unbuttoning the shirt and placing it in an evidence bag, leaving her in a slightly see-through white tee.

Mirana pulls out her spare shirt, pinning her name tag on it before pulling it on. She quickly buttons the shirt up before sending the message in the group chat.

"There, happy now?" Mirana huffs.

"No, we're not winning,"

"So, what's the big deal if you lose?" Mirana crosses her arms over her chest.

"Tim Bradford doesn't lose,"

"Tim Bradford needs his head deflated. In that moment, the more important thing was making sure he lived. Not him being a criminal. What if they took that blood and his body went into shock? All because you're too proud to lose a competition. You could have killed him when you cut that pole!"

"I was doing my job!"

"Right," Mirana scoffs.

"We can't all be playing Good Samaritan to the criminals," Tim sneers.

"If making sure someone lives means I'm playing Good Samaritan to the criminals then yeah sure!" Mirana snaps. "The DUI victim is in the hospital, alive. Our immediate concern was the welfare of that man which you put en- What's the fucking word? Peligro!"

"Are you saying I can't do my job?"

"I didn't- Whatever, I'm not doing this," Mirana says as she gets into the car.

Mirana seethes with frustration, her arms crossed over her chest. She glares out of the windshield, clenching her jaw to keep from saying anything she might regret further. Tim, too proud to back down, focuses on the road ahead, his jaw clenched in frustration. The air inside the car is heavy with unspoken words, each officer wrapped up in their own anger.

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