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Mirana ignores the stares and whispers as she walks into the station

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Mirana ignores the stares and whispers as she walks into the station. She knew she was a mess. Purple bruises littered her throat from where Elian had tried to strangle her, cuts and grazes littered her face and arms and then the big white bandage visible from her t-shirt sleeve.

"Mirana!" Angela runs over before carefully embracing the woman. "Are you sure you're okay to work today?"

"Yes, I spoke to Captain Andersen at length last night," Mirana says.

"I wanted to come with Tim but-"

"You went with Isabel, I know," Mirana nods. "Tim told me what happened. I'm glad she had someone with her. Any updates on how she's doing?"

"The surgery went well but they won't know about any long-term effects until she's awake," Angela says.

"Tim should have been with her," Mirana shakes her head.

"Mirana, his main priority was your safety-"

"Over his wife," Mirana finishes the sentence. "I'm gonna go get changed"

"Okay," Angela gives Mirana's hand a squeeze. "If you need anything let me know okay?"

"Of course,"

Mirana opens her locker and starts getting changed into her uniform. She stares at herself in the mirror in her locker and sighs heavily.

Scars littered so much of her skin creating a morbid map of Mirana's life of misery. She could identify where every scar came from as well as who inflicted them.

"Hey, Officer Lopez told me I could find you in here-"

Captain Andersen's voice trails off as she stares at Mirana's skin. The woman's eyes are filled with sympathy as Mirana throws a white t-shirt on before pulling on the short sleeve shirt.

"What can I do for you, Captain?" Mirana asks.

"I just wanted to let you know that the DEA has taken an interest in your father and they are slapping drugs charges on him alongside attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon,"

"So he won't get out this time?" Mirana asks and Andersen shakes her head.

"No, he's looking at twenty years for attempted murder, ten for the assault, and the drugs charges list is longer than my leg," Andersen says. "The DEA is rounding up your father's men but they will want your help with positive identification"

"Okay," Mirana nods.

"Mirana," Andersen says. "If you need anything, you come to me okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Mirana nods.

"Sergeant Grey is holding a meeting in the briefing room," Andersen says. "He knows I came to talk to you so there won't be any issues with you being late"

"Gracias, ma'am,"

Mirana slips into the briefing room and Grey nods at her before handing her a piece of paper. He then begins to talk to the occupants of the room. Mirana smiles gratefully at Angela when the woman hands her a coffee.

"So, according to Carson, Vance is most likely located at a warehouse facility in South Gate at this address. All right, Detectives Wolfe and Vestri will stake it out with patrol units from that division, while you guys will head over to Bronson Estates, where Carson says Vance's girlfriend, Cesiah Olivo, lives"

"But Carson doesn't know which apartment she lives in, so we'll have to do some knocking on doors," Detective Wolfe says.

"All right, listen up. This has the potential of being a very dangerous operation. Vance is a heavy hitter. He has a well-armed crew. So he won't go down easy. All right, watch each other's backs out there, and be careful,"

Mirana goes to walk out of the room but Tim stops her.

"When you go to kit up the shop, ask Mike for the Bradford Special,"

"Colour me intrigued," Mirana says.

"How are you holding up?" Tim asks her.

"Estoy bien," Mirana smiles weakly.

Tim studies Mirana's face for a moment, concern etched in his expression. He nods, acknowledging her response, but the worry lingers in his eyes.

"That doesn't sound convincing," Tim says gently. "If you need a moment, or if there's anything you want to talk about-"

"I appreciate it, Tim," Mirana interrupts. "But I don't want to talk about it. I'll go kit up the shop"

"You can't push Mirana," Lucy says to Tim as they watch Mirana leave the briefing room. "She'll talk when she wants to talk"

"Hey Mirana," Watson grins at the woman as she leaves the briefing room. "Looks like you had a rough night. A bit too much action in the bedroom?"

"I'm not in the mood for your shit today," Mirana murmurs, trying to walk around Watson but he grabs her arm. "Let me go, right now"

"I'm just trying to talk to you,"

"You're hurting me!" Mirana snaps, trying to yank her arm from Watson's vice-like grip. "Me dejó ir!"

"Speak English," Watson hisses as Mirana continues struggling against his grip.

"She said let her go,"

Mirana turns to see Captain Andersen standing a few feet away. The woman's face is indifferent but her eyes are blazing with anger.

Under the Captain's glare, Watson lets go of Mirana's arm, opening his mouth to speak but Andersen shakes her head.

"My office now,"

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