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Mirana walks with Lucy, the two women talking excitedly about the upcoming concert they had bought tickets for

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Mirana walks with Lucy, the two women talking excitedly about the upcoming concert they had bought tickets for.

"I can't believe you two got tickets to go to see Dua Lipa," Tim shakes his head. "Isn't her music for teenage girls?"

Lucy and Mirana stop in their conversation, glaring at Tim who raises his hands in surrender as Nolan approaches them.

"Hey. Heard you're officially a cop now. Got hit with your first lawsuit," Angela says.

"Oh, it's ridiculous," Nolan shakes his head. "This guy says I dislocated his shoulder pushing past him in a pursuit. I-I don't think I even touched him. And now he wants fifty thousand to settle"

"Don't take it personally. Being sued's part of the job," Tim says.

"It's why we're required to have liability insurance," Angela adds.

"Union assign a lawyer yet?" Tim asks.

"Yeah," Nolan nods. "Some guy named Simon Parks"

"You're lucky," Angela says. "Guy's a legend"

"Saved my ass a couple times," Tim nods. "He's a cranky old S. O. B., but he gets the job done. You've got nothing to worry about"

The small group enters the briefing room where everyone is staring at the landing. Their eyes all move to watch a man be escorted down the stairs by two officers.

"Is that Jenkins?" Mirana asks.

"Yeah," Bishop nods. "IA have arrested him"

"Why?" Lucy asks.

"I think we're about to find out," Mirana says when Sergeant Grey and Commander West enter the briefing room.

"Let's go to our seats," Lucy says and Mirana nods.

"It's never a good day when one of your own gets arrested," Grey says. "I'm sure you have questions. Commander West from IA is here to answer. Commander?"

"Thank you, Sergeant," West says. "After an extensive investigation, we found clear evidence that, ten years ago, Detective Jenkins lied on the witness stand. Because of his lies, an innocent woman was convicted of murder in the first"

"She's been in jail this whole time?" Lucy asks.

"Yes. Samantha Bennett," West nods. "She was released two days ago. In addition to charging Jenkins with perjury, we've placed him on the Brady List"

"Uh, what is the Brady List?" Nolan asks.

"Uh, it's a record of law enforcement officers who've withheld exculpatory evidence," Jackson says.

"It's a list of dirty cops," Bishop says.

"IA has reviewed all of Jenkins' past convictions. Of them, three others were deemed suspect enough to warrant the release of those felons," West says.

"But you're not sure those three are innocent," Tim states.

"No, but their convictions were overturned," West says.

"When this gets out, every lawyer in town is gonna want to get a Jenkins conviction overturned," Angela says.

"That's tomorrow's problem," Grey says. "Today, protocol dictates that we make voluntary contact with these released felons. So, Lopez and West, you will talk to Samantha Bennett. Bradford, Cabrera, you got Max Kegel, who was doing 25 to life for drug trafficking. And, Bishop and Nolan, take Terry Wright, who was in for armed robbery and attempted murder. If you observe anything actionable, send it up to Major Crimes"

"And what if we don't see anything actionable?" Bishop asks.

"Leave it alone. Observe, report. That's it. All right. Be safe out there," Grey says.


"You've been taking on so many extra shifts," Mirana says to Tim as they walk through the hospital.

"I want to do some work on my place," Tim says.

"You need wind down time," Mirana says. "You work, work out and study-"

"I also make time for you," Tim grins at her.

"You need a hobby," Mirana says. "Reading-"

"Why would I waste my time on a hobby when I could be giving you the best sex of your life?" Tim asks lowly causing Mirana to giggle as they enter the exam room.

"Mr. Kegel, I hear you've had a bit of bad luck since you got out of prison," Tim says.

"Tell me about it," Kegel says. "Eight years of prison food without as much as the runs, and one bad bowl of clams lands me in the hospital"

"Mr. Kegel, I'm sure that your recent release has brought up some strong emotions," Mirana says and Kegel nods.

"Only good ones. Hell, I thought I'd never get to consummate this marriage. Alicia and I were, uh, pen pals. She wrote to me in prison for a year before we got hitched,"

"Huh. I've always wondered about women marrying guys in prison. What's the appeal?" Tim asks, looking between the pair.

"Oh, well, I read about his case, and I saw his photo, and I just fell in love," Alicia says.

"Look. Now that I'm out, I plan on keeping my nose clean and my wife between the sheets," Kegel grins at his wife who blushes.

"Officers, uh, may I speak with you, please?"

"Sure thing," Tim says, leaving the exam room with Mirana.

"I just got Mr. Kegel's test results, and, unfortunately, it's not food poisoning," The Doctor says.

"Poison poisoning?" Mirana asks, glancing at Alicia through the window.

"Yes," The Doctor nods. "Hydramethylnon, to be specific. It's a chemical used in roach traps. How did you know?"

"The wife," Mirana says. "She's been fidgety since we showed up"

"Mrs. Kegel, can you come out here, please?" Tim calls.

"No," Alicia calls back.

Tim sighs as they head back to the exam room with the doctor following them.

"What's going on?" Kegel asks.

"Who made the clams?" Mirana asks.

"My honey bunny," Kegel replies with a frown. "Why?"

"'Cause they were poisoned," Tim says. "Guess your wife wasn't psyched you came home"

"What? Is that true?" Kegel asks Alicia.

"You were never supposed to get out of jail. That was the whole allure. Besides, it got my mother off my back about me being single. And then you came home, and you were all clammy and handsy, and I just snapped,"

"Turn around, hands behind your back," Mirana says. "Alicia Kegel, you're under arrest for the suspicion of attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I've read them to you?"


"Alright let's go," Mirana says, leading the woman from the exam room.

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