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Tim pulls the car to a halt where they find a SUV wedged against a lamppost

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Tim pulls the car to a halt where they find a SUV wedged against a lamppost. Mirana notices a woman stumbling around on the sidewalk near the damaged car. From a quick glance, Mirana couldn't see any injuries.

"Control, 7-Adam-07, can you run plate 5-Paul-Charlie-Ida-410?" Mirana asks into her radio before turning to the woman. "Ma'am, were you driving this vehicle?"

"Yeah. No," The woman slurs.

"It's destruction of city property," Tim says.

"Five boxes left," Mirana says.

"5-Paul-Charlie-Ida-410 just reported 10-8-51. RP says girlfriend took his car without permission 20 minutes ago,"

"That bastard!" The woman shouts.

"And grand theft auto brings your total to three. It's your lucky day,"

"Might buy a lottery ticket," Mirana says.

The woman runs over to a bystander and snatches his electric scooter. She begins to scoot away and Mirana rolls her eyes.

"Hey, stop!" Mirana calls, watching is the woman crashes into a fire hydrant. "Ouch"

"And that's technically a carjacking. Thing has a motor. It counts," Tim says as they approach the motor.

"Ma'am, do not attempt to run away again and cause yourself further injury," Mirana says. "What's your name?"

"Alexander Hamilton,"

"False I.D. to an officer brings us to five. I'm gonna need to see your driver's license, please," Mirana says.

The woman looks between the two officers before shoving the scooter at them, catching Tim in the shins.

"Assault on a police officer and it wasn't even me," Mirana says, watching as the woman trips over a sign on the sidewalk.

"Ooh! Not bad," Tim grins at her. "Go get her"

Mirana walks over to the woman who's groaning in pain.

"Hands behind your back," Mirana says.


Mirana rolls her eyes before grabbing the woman's wrists and handcuffing them behind her back. She notices something lying on the pavement and pulls on a pair of gloves before picking it up.

"Hey that's mine," The woman complains.

"And that brings my total to seven, checklist done," Mirana grins, waving the bag at Tim who gives her a thumbs up.


Mirana sighs in pure boredom as she stares at the stack of paperwork in front of her. She grabs the first folder off of the top of the stack before she begins to write down what she needs to.

"You look like you're having fun," Tim says, pulling up a chair to sit with her.

"That woman committed so many offences in five minutes," Mirana sighs. "These three are just for the missing first aid equipment"

"I'll start on the arrest paperwork," Tim says. "You get started on the first aid equipment"

Mirana nods, smiling gratefully as Tim takes some of the folders before beginning to pore over them. She takes a sip from her coffee cup as she begins writing on the piece of paper.

"I can't believe you managed to get one woman who committed the six offences you needed," Tim says.

"I'm thinking about buying a scratch card," Mirana jokes. "Or a lottery ticket. Win the millions. God, there's so much paperwork"

"As much as you say that a lot, it's not my name," Tim says quietly, a teasing grin on his face.

Mirana grabs one of the folders and hits Tim on the arm with it as he laughs.

"You're so poco profesional," Mirana hisses.

"But I'm handsome, so that makes it okay," Tim replies.

"I can't wait to go to bed," Mirana yawns, stretching her arms out. "My entire body is aching"

"I'm sure I can give you a massage later," Tim grins.

"A hot bath is definitely needed," Mirana hums.

"I swear you only stay at my house for my bath," Tim mutters.

"Well, my apartment only has a shower and I like a good soak in the bath," Mirana shrugs.

"Wow," Tim says. "Now I see the real Mirana Cabrera. The woman who uses men for their bathtubs"

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Mirana grins at him, resting her chin on her hand.

"I'll have you know, my baths are top-notch," Tim retorts. "If that's what it takes to keep you around, then I'll make sure the water is at the perfect temperature every time."

Mirana chuckles. "You're a true gentleman, Tim Bradford."

"Only the best for you,"

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