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Mirana drums her fingers against her thigh as Nyla parks her car outside the farmhouse

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Mirana drums her fingers against her thigh as Nyla parks her car outside the farmhouse. The woman turns to look at Mirana who is deathly pale as she stares at the house.

"We can go back," Nyla says.

"No, I can do this," Mirana says, pushing open the car door.

"Mirana, there is no shame-"

"Necesito hacer esto," Mirana says. "I have to"

As they approach the front door, Mirana's steps falter slightly. The creaking of the door and the distant memories of the barrel send shivers down her spine. Nyla places a comforting hand on Mirana's shoulder.

"Take it one step at a time," Nyla advises softly and Mirana nods.

Mirana's hand shakes as she reaches out, grabbing the doorknob before pushing the door open. She stares at the table as images of Lucy being tattooed flash through her mind. Her eyes move to blood stains on the floor before looking at the two chairs that sit in the corner of the room.

"You okay?" Nyla asks.

"It feels bigger," Mirana says. "It felt so small before"

"That's because you know you can walk right out of this door," Nyla says. "Because you're not captive any more"

Mirana stands in front of the window she had spent so much time staring out of when bound to a chair. Waiting for her death at the hands of a psychopath.

"You run like hell,"

"I'm not leaving you,"

"Go now, watch the trip wire, saw it when I came to being carried in"

Mirana's eyes move to the front door, following the movement of memory Lucy's retreating figure. Her eyes move to where she had then killed James before Caleb subdued her once again.

"Mirana?" Nyla asks, frowning when she gets no response. "Mirana?"

Nyla follows Mirana as she begins to walk out of the house and across the dried-out fields. Nyla bites her lip nervously, noticing how numb Mirana is. Her movements seem automatic as Nyla pulls her phone from her pocket.

"He's going to kill me," Nyla mutters to herself, lifting her phone to her ear. "Bradford, it's me. Yeah, I'm with Mirana. I'm worried about her. Where are we? About that, we're at the farmhouse-"

Nyla pulls the phone away from her ear as Tim shouts at her down the phone.

"I'm aware now it may have not been the best idea but she asked me not to tell you," Nyla says. "She wanted to come here- She's not a child, I can't tell her no. Alright, I'll tell her you're on your way"

Nyla hangs up the phone, taking a deep breath. She turns to Mirana, who seems lost in her own thoughts standing by the large hole in the ground where she had been buried by Caleb.

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