Canto 24: Resonance

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"Beneath the cloak of the city lights, their hearts beat as one, a rhythm echoing louder than societal expectations."

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Twins Fantastic

The harsh clang of metal reverberated through the grimy bar, a symphony of his relentless pursuit. Each bolt tightened, each pipe mended, chipped away at the chasm between him and his dreams. Years of relentless toil etched lines on his face, a testament to his unwavering resolve.

He tossed a wad of bills, the crinkling paper a stark contrast to the calloused hands that earned them. A hushed exchange with the Melo, the boss' son, and a knowing nod sent a scrawny kid scurrying towards the door.

A minute later, Melo was back.

"Your girlfriend's here," the kid whispered, his voice barely audible over the din.

Yin Guo?

His fingers fumbled with his phone, the familiar name sending a jolt through him.

Lin: are you here?

Red Fish:  I told him not to tell you. I wanted to wait until you finished playing.

Lin: It's over.

Red Fish: So fast? Who's winning?

Lin: (smile emoticon)

He tossed the phone aside, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. His steps echoed across the worn floorboards as he approached the pool table, a silent invitation hanging in the air.

Meng Xiaodong's face hardened. "Can you be more serious?"

Lin leaned against the table, his exhaustion evident. "Just a bit tired." The unspoken words hung between them: I came back for a few hours, not to play games.

He surveyed the table, a predatory glint in his eyes. Three reds remained, taunting him. With practiced ease, he sank them one by one, the rhythmic clicks a testament to his unwavering skill.

Only the black and white remained, a final dance of defiance. He leaned down, the worn cue an extension of his will. His gaze met Yin Guo's across the room, a silent connection bridging the distance.

A sharp crack echoed as he struck the black, the final piece falling into its designated pocket. A ghost of a smile played on Meng Xiaodong's lips. The white orb remained stubbornly still, a testament to Lin Yiyang's unwavering focus.

He was still the same, chasing perfection in every shot, every goal.


The silence after the game was deafening. Yin Guo stood outside the club, the wind whipping at her hair, a stark contrast to the warmth of the match she'd just witnessed. The aroma of street food mingled with the chill, tempting and unsettling at the same time.

Meng Xiaodong emerged, his face etched with a puzzling seriousness. He brushed his hands clean, a gesture that seemed out of character. "Coach Chen and the others from the club arrived, go back to the hotel with me," he said, his voice devoid of its usual enthusiasm.

Yin Guo hesitated, sensing a shift in his demeanor. "No, it's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow."

A flicker of disappointment crossed Meng Xiaodong's face. "Alright, walk me out."

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