Canto 43: Unexpected Allies, Unforseen Rivals

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"Sometimes the person you least expect to be your rival becomes your greatest ally, and sometimes the person you expected to be an ally becomes your greatest rival." - Shannon L. Alder

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: M.H Lovecraft (Enochian_)

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Lin Yiyang methodically placed the cues back in the rack, his movements practiced yet thoughtful. He positioned the new one closest to the table, a subtle nod to its eventual fate in eager hands. His own worn club, the one on the far right, held a familiar comfort in its smooth, seasoned wood.

It mirrored a ritual he'd observed countless times. Mr. He, with a practiced eye, scooping up the last remaining Qiaofan from the scattered pile, his gaze always falling on the newest additions first. A silent gesture, a teacher's way of nurturing the next generation.

Respect for Mr. He ran deep, a legacy built on unwavering principles and a genuine love for his students. To learn under his guidance was an honor Lin Yiyang quietly cherished.

He glanced at his phone, a flicker of anticipation in his eyes as he saw a reply notification from "Red Fish"

Redfish: Good, three times.

Redfish: Ten times is fine.

Redfish: Just kidding, I have a very good temper. I don't get angry for so long, just buy me a delicious snack and I'll forgive you after half an hour.

Following this declaration, she posted a dynamic picture: a cartoon bear, a vibrant pink, clutching a piece of fruit. Its expression, a picture of blissful indulgence - eating, purely and simply.

Lin Yiyang's thumb hovered over the image, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He wanted to laugh at her lighthearted solution, but ultimately allowed the moment to pass without comment.

Noticing his quietness, Yin Guo turned her attention to the pile of clothes she'd brought back from Washington, beginning to fold them with practiced ease.

Yin Guo rummaged through the pile of dirty clothes, a wide smile breaking across her face as she unearthed an unopened plastic box. Inside, nestled securely, lay a vibrant pink Apple charging cable. Just then, the door swiped open, and her roommate sauntered in, her gaze landing on the peculiar sight, Yin Guo beaming at a box of cables.

"Limited edition?" she drawled, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Is that what's making you erupt with laughter?"

Yin Guo's smile faltered slightly, but she quickly regained her composure. "We were always going to meet them," she replied, tucking the charging cable away with a shrug. "Might as well get it over with."

"Right," the roommate sighed, shaking her head with a mix of humor and pity. "Especially considering 70% of your team are considered the 'top warriors' of the game. Talk about falling into a purgatory group."

He shuddered dramatically, picturing the formidable opponents. Yin Guo, however, remained undeterred.

"If we want to win, we have to face them eventually," she stated matter-of-factly. Glancing at her watch, she saw it was still early. With a determined nod, she picked up her cue and headed back to the hotel ballroom, ready to face whatever challenges the competition threw her way.

With the goal of final champion firmly in her mind, Yin Guo cast a brief glance at her watch. It was still early. She grasped her cue tightly and retraced her steps back towards the hotel ballroom, ready to resume practice.

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