Canto 44: Hearts Over Vows

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Love is the reason why we compromise, why we change, why we grow. It's the reason why we sometimes have to break the rules, even the ones we make for ourselves." - Aerin McGuire, Betrayal Of The Rose by J.C Forester

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: J.C Forester (Mrphysit)

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That night Wu Wei add fuel to the fire, as he animatedly narrated the story of Lin Yiyang's thrilling escape in Dongxin City.

Each word dripped with drama, his voice rising and falling with the chase's intensity. Across from him, Yin Guo devoured a plate of fried chicken wings, the tangy vinegar clinging to her fingers. Her gaze, however, remained glued to the screen, betraying a deeper focus than the casual meal suggested.

Was Wu Wei truly tearing down the platform, or was he subtly bolstering Yin Guo's resolve? The answer, much like the upcoming matches starting Tuesday, remained shrouded in suspense.

The global Open had attracted 318 participants this year, including 109 women, with a mere 7 hailing from China. Among them, nestled within the aptly named "Purgatory Group," was Yin Guo. A newcomer to the professional stage, her past third-place finish in the youth competition offered little solace against the low expectations of the outside world.

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The name 'Yin Guo' resonated through the Open audience, a rising star from the Chinese Legion. The "Purgatory Group," notorious for its daily eliminations, had witnessed her fight her way through, leaving a trail of defeated opponents in her wake. Friday marked the final day of the group stage, and for Yin Guo, it meant three crucial matches.

The morning saw her demolish a seasoned Russian player with a staggering 11-3 victory. Following that, she dominated a Polish opponent with another decisive 11-4 win. Upon returning to the Chinese players' lounge, she was met with a wave of enthusiastic applause and congratulations, not only from her Beicheng comrades but those from Dongxincheng and other domestic clubs. A modest smile played across Yin Guo's face as she acknowledged the well-deserved recognition.

Yin Guo found solace in a quiet corner. Unlike the animated chatter of the Dongxincheng players in the east, the Beicheng contingent, including herself, exuded an air of quiet intensity. Each athlete wrestled with their pre-game emotions, forming a bubble of focused silence.

Yin Guo, positioned on a small stool, her back towards the others, sought refuge in music and a pre-packed meal. Her phone, tucked away in her bag, symbolized the temporary suspension of her usual connection with Lin Yiyang. This week, their nightly conversations, limited to stolen moments before bed, held unspoken agreements - no mention of the competition, only a brief respite from the pressure that enveloped them.

The plastic fork clinked softly against the disposable container as Yin Guo meticulously picked out a mango slice. Each bite was measured, a deliberate act of building her resolve. The desire to win crackled within her, a potent force that bordered on dangerous.

Being unemotional had always been her strength. But this time, her heart yearned for the quarterfinals, not just for the victory, but for the chance it offered. Saturday... perhaps it held the possibility of Lin Yiyang being there. A flicker of hope ignited in her eyes, quickly replaced by calm determination as she reached for a strawberry.

Her eating habits on competition days were a ritual, a carefully orchestrated dance with her emotions. Slow, measured chews served as an anchor, keeping her feelings in check. Limiting her meal to five minutes ensured a light stomach, avoiding the dreaded pre-game stomachache that could cripple her performance.

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