Canto 31: Fragile

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"Distance amplifies emotions, twisting playful banter into desperate pleas and turning stolen glances into aching voids. The weight of unspoken truths hangs heavy, leaving only trust as a fragile bridge across miles of uncertainty."

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Wuxia Studio

"Aren't you going to catch a train?" Yin Guo said, her eyes betraying a flicker of anxiety,

Sensing her nervousness, Lin Yiyang offered a gentle smile. "Yes, I should be heading out soon."

"I'll walk you to the station," Yin Guo volunteered, her voice laced with urgency. Turning to Coach Chen, she added, "The subway is just a short walk away. I'll be back in a jiffy."

Coach Chen nodded in agreement, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

As they exited, Coach Chen turned to Nazi. "What was it like playing with someone as skilled as him?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

Nazi's eyes sparkled. "He's amazing," he admitted, a hint of awe in his voice

Coach Chen's gaze followed the direction Lin Yiyang and Yin Guo had left. "He's the one who defeated your sixth brother all those years ago," he said, a touch of wistfulness creeping into his tone. "It took your brother a year to claim the championship, but Lin Yiyang had already retired by then."

- -

"It'll be getting dark by the time you reach the city," she said softly, a hint of concern in her voice.

Lin Yiyang offered a curt nod, his expression unreadable. He stared at his reflection in the elevator mirror, his body language cloaked in a veil of stoicism.

The elevator doors slid open again on the first floor. Lin Yiyang remained motionless, seemingly lost in thought.

Sensing his hesitation, Yin Guo quickly pressed the open button. "We're here," she announced.

Passengers flooded in, separating them with their luggage. An air of urgency filled the space as people swiped their cards and pressed buttons, the elevator rising steadily.

Yin Guo cast a worried glance across the crowded space at Lin Yiyang. "If you're not getting out, the elevator will go up," she warned gently.

Two more passengers entered, adding to the cramped feeling. They swiped their cards and chose their floors, the elevator continuing its climb.

Yin Guo hesitated, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She felt the weight of a disapproving stare drilling into her back, forcing her to release the elevator button. A heavy silence descended, broken only by the soft hum of the elevator.

"Which floor is your room?" Lin Yiyang asked, his voice neutral.

Yin Guo hesitated, then mumbled, "Sixth floor."

He gave a curt nod. "Going up."

A beat of silence hung in the air, Yin Guo unsure if Lin Yiyang intended to ride with her. With a mix of relief and uncertainty, she released the elevator button.

As the elevator ascended, she finally located the keycard, swiped it on the reader, and pressed the button for the sixth floor.

They were the first guests to step out of the elevator onto the quiet hallway, where only two staff members stood behind the reception desk.

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