Canto 93: Emotional Resonance

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You don't have to say anything. I know what you're feeling because I feel it too..” Shannon L. Alder

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Wuxia Studio

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Yin Guo trudged through the line, the steam from her hot water bottle a welcome wisp of warmth against the cool hallway air. The excited chatter of other athletes buzzed around her, a counterpoint to the dull ache that had settled in her legs from standing for what felt like an eternity.

Finally reaching the front, she filled the bottle with practiced efficiency, her gaze already scanning the hall for a quiet corner in the lounge.

She clutched the hot water bottle tighter, its heat seeping into her palm as impatience gnawed at her. With each passing minute, the chatter in the hallway seemed to grow louder, her own heartbeat drumming a frantic rhythm against her ribs.

Just a few moments of peace, that's all she craved. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she spotted an empty seat tucked away in a corner of the lounge. But her moment of solace was short-lived.

A hand clamped over her eyes, sending a jolt through her. "Guess who?" a familiar voice teased.

Yin Guo swatted playfully at the arm, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Trying to scare me? Maybe I should give you your birthday present early this year," she countered with a playful jab.

He chuckled, but there was a hint of something else in his eyes, an intensity that made her cheeks flush. He pulled her gently down next to him on the sofa, their shoulders brushing.

A gentle touch on her knee startled Yin Guo. Lin Yiyang took the thermos, his hand brushing hers for a fleeting moment that sent a shiver down her spine. Before she could react, he was already striding away, a mumbled ‘Thanks.’ She watched him go, a bittersweet smile tugging at her lips.

Lin Yiyang, the self-assured athlete, seemed to shrink as he walked. His shoulders slumped, the confident facade momentarily cracking. Was this a glimpse of the boy he once was, the one who struggled to express himself?

Yin Guo sighed, a strange mix of frustration and affection swirling within her. He was like a locked safe, overflowing with emotions but unable to unlock the combination. She knew he cared, yet his words always fell short. Perhaps that was the most endearing, and infuriating, thing about him.

Just then, Wu Wei materialized beside her, a sly grin plastered on his face. "Have you seen it yet? on Weibo?"

Yin Guo continued brushing her hair, the rhythmic strokes belying the storm brewing behind her eyes. Scrolling through comments online, a bitter taste filled her mouth. The internet, a fickle beast, celebrated victory with cheers, then drowned it out with doubt just as quickly. Blocking out the negativity felt like trying to hold back the tide with a bucket.

"Seeing your reaction?" Wu Wei asked, his face a mask of disappointment. "It feels like you don't care."

Yin Guo looked up, a steely glint in her eyes. "They can't touch his talent. He'll silence them all, one win at a time."

Wu Wei's jaw dropped. "Whoa, hold on a minute. I thought you were upset about..." He trailed off, realization dawning on him. "You didn't think...?"

A small smile played on Yin Guo's lips. "Seriously, Wu Wei? My brother and Jiang Yang are trending too. Relax, it's just the internet."

Yin Guo scrolled through her phone, a mix of amusement and curiosity flickering in her eyes. "Snooker Chinese Team" dominated the trending topics, but something else caught her attention. Several keywords swirled around one name: "LinY."

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