Find a Way Out

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The first few weeks were uneventful. Selena tried to figure out the guard routine and security pattern of the gates; she had to find a way out. Staying complacent was not an option when she had people to deal with at home.

Makeshift wooden structures, barely holding together, dotted the landscape, serving as shelters for the workers. The men went to the mines in the mountains to harvest precious metals; they spent five hours between breaks of three minutes working 15 hours a day in the mines.

She learnt that the scar man's name was Skalwarg, and he was the top boss of this camp; apparently, the other masters didn't spend as much time around. The supplies arrived every two months by slavers who went to the towns to trade precious stones and ores.

The supplies were supposed to come in soon as well. Security around the carts used to carry the goods was more relaxed than it should be.

Selena was tasked with carrying the meal to the master's chamber. The distant clatter of metal echoed from the mines, and occasional slavers patrolled the camp, their heavy footsteps cutting through the eerie silence. The armed and vigilant guards radiated a vile aura that forced the slaves to shrink further into the shadows. Selena caught glimpses of their cold expressions and the glint of silver at their sides.

She made it to the main building and got stopped by the guards by the door. "What are you here for bitch?" the guard asked, glaring at her. "Bringing food, would you like to check it? so I let him know you put your grubby hands all over his meal?" she asked, baring her fangs.

The guard snarled as he slapped her across the face, "Know your place, filth," he spat as she stumbled back, cheek stinging. 

and happened to walk in on him, ranting to one of the slavers.

"We can't keep losing our workforce. What exactly are ye useful fer if I keep spending me money?!" He roared, pumping his pheromones everywhere. Selena instinctively scratched at the chain on her neck; her wolf didn't like his scent and couldn't make it known because the chains were blocking their connection.

Skalwarg's eyes, cold and calculating, snapped toward Selena as she entered the dimly lit chamber. The room was adorned with crude furnishings and stacks of parchments. His scarred face contorted into a scowl, as usual, the raised tissue on his cheek making his features more severe.

She stepped in quietly and began to spread the meal on the table covered with documents. "I will have Ajin test the caves tomorrow to find more stable sites. Please forgive this one,"  the slaver bows low, baring his neck.

Selena blinked. He must respect him or fear him to show such vulnerability. Her eyes scanned the documents on the table for anything relevant to her escape, "The hel are ye waiting for?! " he sneered at Selena, his scar becoming more pronounced.

"Get out befor I lash yer hide! " She hastily retreated. She would have to return to that room; her way out had to be on that table. As she left the room, Skalwarg's lingering gaze followed her.

Once outside the chamber, Selena exhaled a breath she didn't realise she was holding. Her hand reached for the chains on her neck. The itch had intensified from the encounter. Her wolf hated being suppressed and challenged.

Selena walked around the camp that evening, trying to glean as much information as possible from the whispers flying around.  After another unsuccessful day, she went back to the kitchen where Myra and Juno were making dinner.

"Where is Illys?" she asked, looking around.

"She went to the stream to get water. With the shortage of workers at the mine, no one has had time to bring us water." Myra said, chopping vegetables.

"Since when?" Selena asked, frowning. The sun had started setting; "what could be taking her so long?" she wondered out loud.

"I suppose it has been a while. Would you check on her and carry some buckets with you, too? We might need them," Juno said from the stove.

Selena rushed down to the stream. There was a cluster of trees before the stream. It is said the magician's cabin was somewhere in this area. She found Illys playing with rocks on the shallows.

"Illys? What are you doing, child? Do you know how worried I was?!" she asked, rushing to her side. Illys jumped at the sudden sound and nearly slipped off the rocks.

"Sister Selena!" she squeaked wide-eyed, clutching her chest in fear. Selena walked up to her and checked her body for anything unusual. "How could you stay out here alone? You know how dangerous this place is for us women." she scolded.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time," Illys apologised, tearing up. Despite the harsh scolding earlier, Selena softened at the sight of the young wolf's tearful face. She crouched down, bringing herself to Illys's eye level, and gently wiped away a stray tear with the back of her hand.

"Sister Selena! I'm sorry," Illys choked out, clutching her chest in fear. Selena wrapped her arms around Illys, embracing her in a reassuring hug. The warmth of the embrace served as a reminder for Selena.

"It's okay, love. I shouldn't have scolded you so harshly," Selena whispered. "I was just worried. We need to stick together and look out for one another in this place. Do you understand?" Illys nodded against Selena, her tears subsiding.

Selena gently pulled away, cupping Illys's tear-streaked face in her hands. "Let's get some water and return to the others, ok?" she said, smiling softly.

"Okay," Illys agreed, reaching for the buckets.
They collected water together, silent and apprehensive as the sun descended.

As they rushed back to the kitchen,  Selena saw someone moving in the forest from the corner of her eye. 'Was that the magician?' She turned to get a better look.

"Sister Selena?" Illys called out. "It's nothing. Let's hurry," Selena looked at the sky; the sun had already set. The camp, surrounded by the dark silhouette of towering mountains, exuded an eerie stillness, broken only by the distant hoots of nocturnal creatures and the occasional creaking of rusty chains. The water didn't return on time, so the meal was late.

Thanks to Skalwarg's pissy mood, the warders punished them with only one meal per day for a week and were put on constant watch by the men during meal preparations to ensure they weren't sneaking food.

"This is pointless. There's hardly any food in the first palace, and now they're starving us?" Myra grumbled as she moulded dough for bread. "They're probably trying to cut down on supplies till another batch comes in. I hear some of the men aren't being fed as well," Juno said, turning the stew on fire.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault," Illys apologized, head lowered in shame. "It's alright child, we will be fine," Myra said, smiling.

Selena however was lost in thoughts, the person in the woods had to be the magician, she would have to find some time to go there and find something that can help with her escape plan.

'But what excuse will use?' She thought as she cleaned the table.

"Selena?" She jolted out of her thoughts to see the three of them staring at her.

"Wha- what did you say?" She asked, straightening.

"Are you ok?" Myra asked, worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's fine. I'm just working on something," she said smiling reassuringly.

"Just make sure it's not dangerous," Myra said. "Oh come on, don't you trust me anymore?" Selena laughed.

"I trust you!" Illys beamed, jumping into Selena's arms.

Myra gave a small smile, "as long as you know what you're doing, I rust you too."

Only Juno said nothing, but the look she gave Selena let her know where she stood.

Selena sighed as they settled in for the night, this was taking longer than she thought.

'The more time I spend here, the more things get complicated.'

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