The Magician's Cabin

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It took Selena another week to get back on her feet. Apparently, someone had told Skalwarg that she was in the infirmary, and he asked that she leave as he needed space for his men. However, she could go for treatment there and return to work. That in and of itself was miracle enough for the women.

One evening, as she was returning from her checkup with Bianca, she noticed the security was tighter than it usually was at that time. 'what is going on?' she wondered. 

Skalwarg was on the small field with some men as she passed by. "Come ere woman!" he called.

Selena had half a mind to ignore him, but the throbbing on her face made her think twice. "Yes, master?" she spat, glaring at him.

"I'm glad the fyre in yer eyes haven't been dulled by the brand," he grinned brightly. "zis ere is an excellent friend of mine; take 'im te Ajin's chambers." He motioned towards a handsome man in all black beside him.

'Ajin? Who's that?' she thought, confused. 

"Ye know the way. I see ye snoppin around 'im chambers a lot these days." His eyes held a warning. Selena gritted her teeth and turned towards the magician's chambers. So the bastard has been watching her; she couldn't help but worry. If he was watching her, how much of her plan and intentions did he know?

She rushed down the path, not checking whether the stranger had followed. The small cabin gave off a creepy feeling that raised her hackles. This time, it didn't seem further away the more she walked towards it.

She marched up the stairs and opened the door; an eerie wind blew at her face, and goosebumps crawled up her skin. She bared her teeth unconsciously, taking a defensive posture.

"Well? Are we going to stand here all day?" a deep voice purred in her ear. Selena jumped and swung her fist instinctively, only for it to be caught and twisted behind her back. The man in black had finally decided to talk. 

"Easy now, love; we can move things to the room once I'm done with business," he nuzzled against her temple. Selena snarled, enraged. How dare he touch her like this? She threw her head back and caught his jaw hard. He stumbled back, cursing as he clutched his nose.

"Don't you dare touch me like that ever again, or you'll be sorry," she spat, making her disgust clear. The pervert cleaned the blood from his split lip and grinned at her.

"Skalwarg was right about you; this journey might be worth my time after all," he said, walking towards her. Selena tensed, ready to fight.

 "Can you please move your foreplay off my porch? I'm trying to work."

Selena turned again, nearly twisting her ankles.

At the door stood the in-house magician glaring at them. He was tall and slim, with dark skin and dark eyes. His white hair curled around his face, even tied back with strings. Selena stared at him curiously. She had never seen such features before. He was truly beautiful.

"Ajin! It has been a while. We have much to discuss." The bastard herded Selena and the magician back into the cabin. The room was dark and stuffy, and Selena's nose itched from all the dust floating around. "This place is a mess, my friend. How do you get work done here?" the pervert read her mind.

"I do not remember asking you to come into my lair, Caspian," Ajin continued to glare. 

'So the pervert's name was Caspian.' Selena thought, looking around the room. 

The dust was too much. There had to be something inside here that would help in her escape. Seeing how much of a mess the place was in, she wouldn't be too surprised if something significant were lying in a corner.

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