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The women spent the days on their feet cooking,  serving and cleaning up the mess halls and the chamber of the masters. The only women not actively involved in warming beds were those who supported the healers and them in the kitchen. Selena also learnt that other women were on the campgrounds; the men used them to breed more slaves or 'service' the masters.

Selena was disgusted when she learned of the 'breeding pen'. She had noticed it when passing the shady-looking building to collect water from the small stream formed by the melting ice on the mountain zeniths.

One of the men told her about it during dinner. It was strange since she had never seen women or heard babies' cries. All the slaves seemed resigned to their fate, living in dull, monotonous routines -work, eat, work, sleep, and repeat—even the ladies in the kitchen seemed to be getting used to life on the camp.

Selena did learn something interesting about the chains they were forced to wear. The chains helped keep them docile; they had more uses than just draining their stamina. The in-house magician, who lived further off the camp, enchanted them to stun and control the captives.

No one had seen what they looked like, and no one was allowed into their chamber. It all made sense that they were being controlled, as wolves weren't in their nature to submit unless their alpha commanded them. Selena was convinced she would need to get in there if she wanted to escape.

This was where her plans began; she would continue to monitor them. She spent her days moving between the gates and the woods surrounding the magician's cabin. The woods were always eerily quiet and got darker the closer she got to the house.

Selena felt as though there was a spell surrounding the place that made it seem further away. The woods weren't even that deep, so how did she not find the house? She made her daily trip to the gate with a food basket and paused as she noticed a slave talking to the guards.

This was new; few people were allowed this close to the gates. She only got to come here because she sometimes brought food to the guards on patrol. Now that she thinks about it, he has been lurking around this area recently.

 She got closer to them, trying to hear what they were saying, "We have told you to stop coming here. We don't know when the Master plans on bringing them out. What if he catches you lazing around here, huh?" the guard asked glaring at him.

"Please understand that I mean no harm; the shade and scent of the vines remind me of home. Plus, I only come during our break, so no one notices I'm gone." The man stopped when he noticed Selena standing on the side.

The guards followed his gaze and relaxed when they saw her. "You're finally here! What took you so long bitch? You're getting lazy," he laughed with his colleagues.

Selena simply ignored their jab; she was used to their nonsense now. The man hurriedly left while the guards checked the basket.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"Huh, that punk? Just one crazy dude that keeps coming to the gate for some reason." Guard A said, lifting the plates out of the basket.

"Really? That's weird," she said, trying to get more out of them.

"Yup. he keeps spending time by the vines over there," Guard B said, pointing to a side of the wall partially covered.

"I think he has a death wish. If Master Skalwarg sees him here, he will kill him for sure." guard C grunted before taking a bite of the food.

"You guys need to cook better food; the fuck is this supposed to be?" Selena simply ignored them, looking at the covered wall.

She would have to check it out soon. The wind blew fiercely and drew Selena's attention to the fast-approaching clouds. 'Such a huge storm', she thought, worried.

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