Chapter 11: Back at School

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Adair's POV:

I sighed and stepped out of the car, glancing up at the towering building in front of me.

"Adair!" Mum called from behind me.

I mustered up a smile and turned to face her.

"Have fun at school, okay?" She said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Yes, of course!" I chirped.

Mum gave me a smile and drove off. I sighed once she left. Mum had been extremely stressed lately, her job was absolutely torturing her. My brother wasn't making it any better. My brother, Cedar, was always bullied at school for his weird name, and he would always let it out on mum. Mum never actually felt calm or peaceful in years. Ever since dad died, my family has been struggling financially, and mum was overworking. Tell you what, I'm going to start working in the holidays. On top of that, I got into a good school, and I can stay here so mum doesn't have to worry about me, and focus on Cedar. Just a few more weeks and I can move in. The date for moving in had moved, and now it was postponed to the next month. I shook my thoughts away and walked into the school doors. 

"Adair! Wait up!" Mitchell panted from behind.

Well, I was about to...

"Oh, hi Mitchell!" I chirped.

"Oh, you're Adair?" A boy said from behind Mitchell. He towered over Mitchell, probably in year 11 or 12...

"Yep, that's me. And you are?" I asked politely.

"I'm Lucas, Mitchell's brother." Lucas grinned, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled back, and turned to Mitchell, who was clutching his waist. "Hey, have you talked to Nixie yet?"

Mitchell turned bright pink, and Lucas gave him a knowing smile.

"Ooh, did you tell her?" Lucas asked.

"I.. maybe?" Mitchell said, still bright pink.

"Ha! Let's freaking go!" Lucas exclaimed, giving him a pat on the back.

Mitchell tried to laugh along, scratching the back of his neck nervously. I smiled at them both.

"Hey, I'm going to my locker and pack up." I said, pointing to the shining glass doors.

Lucas waved at me, then walked over to where his friends were. Mitchell quickly ran up to me, nearly tripping over a couple of pebbles. He shot me a good humoured glare and whacked me on my shoulder when I started laughing. Our laughing was drowned out by the loud noise of students chatting and slamming lockers. I sighed and walked over to my locker, which was next to Mitchell's. I quickly stuffed my stuff in and slammed it shut, walking over to the cafeteria, where I could go outside, while Mitchell went over to Nixie.

Hmm, I smell a CRUSH.

Being outdoors was the only place I could actually find any peace. Being outside connected me with my dad the most, since he loved the outdoors. He actually named Cedar and I after nature. I missed him. Dad died from cancer when I was only 10 years old, and Cedar was 4. Dad was the best, he was the light of our family, and he was definitely the happiest, even in his last moments.

I briefly wiped the tears from my eyes before they could creep out. I sniffed and sat on an empty, lonely bench near the mini fountain and gazed at the forest, listening to the calm tweets and chirps of the birds as the sound of students slowly faded away. I sat in silence for a minute or two, but then I saw Cassie walking over to the bench. She gave me a small smile before she sat next to me.

"Hi Cass." I smiled, breaking my daydream.

"Sup. How are you?" She grinned.

"I'm fine I guess..." I shrugged.

Her smile faltered and she looked at me with concern.

"Hey, what's the matter?" She asked.

I hesitated for a moment. "I miss my dad."

She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, we're here for you." She murmured, sympathy in her warm brown eyes.

I gave her a small, sad, smile, and gave her a quick hug, and I let a few of my tears slip down my cheek. She hugged me back, patting me gently on the back. I finally pulled apart from the hug, wiping my tears away with my thumb. She gave me a warm smile, before she stood up and walked over to the school, giving me a quick wave before she vanished in the crowd. I smiled to myself.

It's great to know I have someone for me now that mum got cancer...

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