Chapter 31: Cupcakes

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Cassie's POV:

I sat on the couch, book in hand, resting in the sunlight.

"Cassie! Get up! Let's go!" Aurora squealed, holding a huge container.

"Huh? Why?" I asked, sliding a bookmark into my book.

"It's Adair's birthday, so I made cupcakes!" Aurora chirped, and opened the container, revealing huge, frosted cupcakes.

"Come on!" She pleaded, hauling me to my feet.

"Wait! I can't go out like this, let me change." I giggled, noticing how excited Aurora was for Adair.

They would make such an adorable couple...

I quietly slipped into my room, careful not to make so much noise, since Lilia was taking a nap after studying for the entire night, literally.

I quickly put on some flared, black pants and tucked a long, blue shirt into it. I held onto a claw clip with my mouth and put my hair up with my hands, before finally clipping it into place.

"Cassie! Hurry up!" Aurora called impatiently.

"Coming!" I yelled back, putting some socks on.

I ran back to the living room, where Aurora sat, crossing her arms. Aurora saw me, and her eyes lit up.

"Let's go!" She chirped, grabbing my hand.

"Wah-" I cried out, nearly losing balance as Aurora yanked me.

"Oops, sorry!" Aurora giggled.


We finally arrived at Adair's dorm. Aurora knocked on the door. No reply. She knocked harder, still no reply. Aurora let out an exasperated sigh and rapped on the door so hard that I flinched. The door swung open to reveal an irritated Blaze.

"What?!" He snapped.

"Hey Blaze! We're here to drop off some cupcakes." Aurora chirped.

"I'm not interested in your girl scout fundraiser." Blaze huffed, and slammed the door in our faces.

"Jeez..." Aurora muttered, and rapped on the door again.

"What is it this time?" Blaze appeared again, a lot more irritated.

"Who is it?" A familiar voice asked from behind Blaze.

Adair came and pushed Blaze out of the way. Blaze disappeared behind him, muttering something under his breath.

"O-Oh, hi Cassie, h-hi Aurora." He stammered.

I gave him a knowing smile, and Aurora began blabbering excitedly.

"Happy birthday Adair! I knew it was coming up, so I made cupcakes for all of us! I already saved some for Nixie and Lils, they're back at the doors." She chirped.

"Oh! Thanks Aurora, you didn't have to." Adair blushed slightly. "Come in!"

Adair stepped aside and let us in. Mitchell was on the couch, sewing a ripped jacket together, and Liam was in the kitchen cooking lunch.

"Oh, hey guys!" Mitchell looked up.

"You can sew?" I gawked, noticing the stitches on the jacket.

"Wha-? Oh, yeah." Mitchell said sheepishly. "My mum taught me when I was younger, it's honestly quite fun."

"Nice!" I smiled.

"So, what brought you here?" Mitchell asked, setting his needle and jacket to the side.

"We just came here because it's Adair's birthday and I baked cupcakes!" Aurora chirped, opening the container in her hand and revealing the cupcakes.

Each cupcake had different colours of frosting, with each of our initials spelt out in white. I spotted mine, with a big 'C' on it. It had navy blue frosting with gold stars and round sprinkles on top.

"Wait, that looks so cute!" Mitchell gawked, leaning forward to take a better look.

The sound of the kitchen ventilator stopped, and Liam emerged from the kitchen, wiping his hands.

"Hey guys!" He chirped, and glanced at the cupcakes. "You did all that yourself?"

"Yep! Fresh from the oven!" Aurora grinned, and set the container down, taking her own cupcake.

Aurora's cupcake had green frosting, mixed with teal and white sprinkles. Somewhat like an actual aurora in the sky, with stars. We all began to eat our cupcakes, chatting and laughing. I neatly and quickly finished my cupcake, and all of the others were chatting noisily. I decided to take a look around their dorm.

It was pretty neat and tidy, there were a few potted plants around the room. The hall connecting all the bedrooms was pretty much empty. I was standing in front of a room, suddenly feeling dizzy, just like I did when I passed out several times before. I clutched onto the door frame desperately.

Suddenly, I heard a toilet flush and the door in front of me swung open. It was Blaze, and he nearly bumped into me.

"What are you doing?" He asked coldly.

"N-Nothing, j-just f-feeling d-dizzy." I stammered, my head spinning.

"Oh god, do you feel like you're about to pass out again?" Blaze asked again, a bit softly this time.

"Y-Yeah, I feel like-" I mumbled, but before I could finish, I lost consciousness and I felt my body thud to the ground.

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