Chapter 28: New Member

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Cassie's POV:

"Hey! Umm... Cassie?" Blaze called from behind me.

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked.

"Can I sit with you guys today?" He asked timidly, scratching his neck nervously.

"Of course! Come with me, I'll take you there." I smiled and took his cold hand.

I felt Blaze tense up, but he softened up after a moment.

"Hey guys!" I chirped when I reached our table. "Is it alright if Blaze can join us today?"

"Sure! I don't mind! By the way, have you seen Lilia anywhere?" Aurora asked.

"I'm here!" Lilia panted from behind me, bending her knees slightly and resting her hands on them. "Sorry, I went on a little walk with Liam, and we just lost track of time."

"Liam? Who's that?" Nixie asked, scrunching up her face.

"That's me! Hi I'm the problem, it's me!" Liam snorted, causing Blaze to flinch at his sudden appearance.

"You're just as loud in the cafeteria as you are in the classroom." Blaze rolled his eyes, taking his hand away from mine and crossing his arms.

"Jeez man, why so stiff? Cheer up!" Adair laughed.

"In your dreams." Blaze grumbled, taking a spare seat, placing a hand on the one beside him for me.

I walked over to him, and he took his hand off the chair, letting me sit on it. I smiled at him and took my bento box out of my tote bag.

"Do we have space for 2 more? Liam is joining us." Lilia smiled.

Lilia paused, noticing how Aurora, Nixie and I looked at each other with confusion.

"Oh! Liam was the guy I got partnered with in the science task. I want him to join us, since he doesn't have a table group." Lilia chirped, and Liam scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Err... hi?" He mumbled. "I already know Blaze, Mitchell and Adair, since they're my roomies, but I dunno the girls."

"Aight, just so you know, I'm taken, so back off." Nixie huffed, crossing her arms.

Liam caught the humorous look in her eyes and chuckled slightly. Liam took a seat beside Adair, who gave him the classic one-arm hug. Lilia took a seat beside Aurora, and they almost instantly started whispering and giggling.

"Is this normal for you girls?" Blaze asked in my ear.

I followed his gaze, and it fell on Aurora and Lilia. I laughed to myself, looking at the utter bewilderment in his eyes.

"For some, not really for me." I shrugged, still laughing, snapping apart my chopsticks.

"Damn, you have that every day?" Blaze asked, glancing over at my bento box.

Mum packed me some bite-sized salmon sushi, some Greek yoghurt and of course, the iconic seaweed for my last day home before I left for school.

"Yep! Where's your lunch?" I asked, noticing how he hadn't brought out any sort of lunch box, not even a snack!

"Oh, umm..." Blaze hesitated, and I thought I saw a flash of fear in his blue-grey eyes. "My mum is just busy, that's it."

"Oh, okay..." I trailed off.

There had to be something he's not telling me. Maybe it's a personal thing?

"Here, have some of my food. There are extra chopsticks I carry in case the first ones don't work." I smiled, pushing my bento box over to him.

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