╰┈➤ xx. what happened in summer?

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CHAPTER TWENTY🍂 ୧ what happened

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🍂 ୧ what happened. . .
in summer? ও🦌

THE SUMMER SEASON, that was the year of 1977, was slowly coming to an end, for Autumn and her friends

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THE SUMMER SEASON, that was the year of 1977, was slowly coming to an end, for Autumn and her friends. During the two-month span, many different instances had occurred, which had impacted, the lives, of the individuals involved.

The summer, for Autumn, would start, with the teen witch, spending the first portion, alongside, her family members. Afterwards, she would proceed to, be, accompanied, by friends, of hers, specifically, Raven, Elliot, and also Lily.

During the remaining span, of the summer season, Autumn had continuously maintained contact with her other friends, through the exchange of letters. However, among all of her acquaintances, she seemed to communicate with James, frequently, and daily, at that.

The young witch, somehow found herself, being obligated, too, to fulfil, a promise, made to the Potter, with regard to, a hug, upon, their reunion. Despite, this, making her, quite excited, a feeling of, nervousness, had engulfed, her, as she believed, her anxiousness, would be, immeasurable, upon, the exact, instance, where the promise, would come to fruition.

The summer period that James had, indeed seemed to be quite eventful. Just within the first, two days, numerous things had occurred, which had led to him, not being granted, the liberty, of resting. Following this, James, had to undergo several, different events, during the remainder of, the season, as he and Sirius, resided in one, residence. This, in turn, had contributed, to the two, engaging, in quite a bit, of mischievous, activities.

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