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There's a teacher, who always talks about the presence of magic, energy exchange, love and intuition.
"We all have a certain energy working within ourselves which helps us to know something without conscious reasoning. There are times when few things catch our attention or we feel them to be known to us. Intuition it is, which warns or guides us about our future. But, it is very few of us who actually understands those signals.", she said.

"Hi um... Myra, could you please lend me your Physics notebook? I will surely return it to you on Monday."
9th of March, 2022, that's when I first noticed her in the 8th STD. We had been batchmates since childhood but surprisingly we didn't know one another. Her fair white skin, those big doe eyes, medium-length black shiny and curly hair plaited into two, a small face with freckles on them and a short slim figure. That's whom I went crazy for. No, I didn't fall for her instantly, but when I did, that was hard. She had no importance in my life back then but something made me remember the date of our first conversation. Maybe this is what intuition is?
I met her at the time when I needed her the most. Then, life was all messed up. I had my parents getting separated, my so called 'best friend' backstabbing me and the dearest of my friends misunderstanding me. I hated coming to school, which is my favourite place on this entire planet, and staying at home felt like hell. I underwent anxiety and spoke to none in school. I saw my mother and teachers remain worried about me until one day I was made to sit with a new group of classmates, whom I did not know that well.
Ava, the most elegant of them all or rather, the whole batch. She gave off those 'that girl' vibes but as you come to know her better, she's the kindest of all.
Jules, the bubbly one who could lighten up your mood within seconds with her dad jokes and actions. Every single thing she does are enough to make you lose your sadness, but let me tell you that her mood swings are the scariest.
Tanni, the cuddly bear of the group. She's the sweetest and has a very melodious voice. She always has a song ready to lighten up your mood.
Sammy, she is a pure soul but not really. At first, she is a very introverted person, but as time flies, you see how a crackhead she is.
Ashu, she is for real a pure soul and the target for most of the group roastings we have ever done.
Later, we had two new people entering into the gang. Amara, the brainy buddy with intelligence in academics as well as nasty stuff and Tori, the stupid and problematic but helpful one.
And lastly, Nisha. What do I say about her? She's the main character of the story. The different of them all. The jolly, the cheerful, the one who can never see her friends upset and always ready to console them. She is actually liked by a lot number of people for her friendly and frank behaviour but is actually the total contrasting. She's the most introverted person when left alone. She might behave in a cool manner but is totally a crybaby, only around her trusted ones though. And her love and respect for her mother always surprises me. I truly have never encountered such a beautiful human being before in my life.
I always thank the Lord Almighty for sending me these people when I needed their company the most.

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