♡CHAPTER 6 {Escape}♡

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Chapter 6: The Escape Attempt


Days passed by in a blur of routine within the mansion. Noor and Haidar didn't cross paths after their last kitchen encounter.

Each immersed in their respective tasks and thoughts. Haidar's business engagements kept him occupied, while Noor diligently carried out her duties, her mind often wandering to thoughts of freedom.

One fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange hue over the mansion's grounds, Noor's determination reached a boiling point. She had been meticulously planning her escape, waiting for the right opportunity to break free from Haidar's control.

The night seemed to cloak her movements as she stealthily made her way to the back of the mansion. To her surprise, a back door stood slightly ajar, unguarded a rare lapse in the mansion's security that Noor couldn't ignore.

With her heart pounding in her chest, she slipped through the door, the cool night air a welcome relief from the suffocating atmosphere of captivity.

Noor's steps quickened as she moved farther away from the mansion, her pulse racing with a mix of fear and exhilaration. Freedom was within her grasp, or so she thought.

However, luck was not on her side that night. Haidar, ever vigilant and perceptive, noticed her absence almost immediately. His initial shock turned to fury as he realized Noor's audacious attempt to escape. He called Alex and Russo.

"Alex, Russo!!" He shouted

"Yes boss, they came hurriedly."

"She escaped, find her at any cost. I want her right now right away."!!! He exaggerated.

He started checking the cameras. And there he finds her in backyard trying to runaway. He smirked.

Haidar's footsteps echoed through the silent night as he made his way to the backyard, his eyes scanning the darkness until they locked onto Noor's figure, illuminated by the moonlight.
The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down Noor's spine, a mixture of fear and defiance coursing through her veins.

"I have to get out of here. This can't go on." Noor gasping as she runs.

"NOOR...!!!" Haidar's voice booming from behind.

"pleas...eee , le...tt m..eee gg.ooo."
Noor freezing in her tracks, turning to face Haidar.

"Leave? You think you can just walk away from me, from all of this?" Haidar advancing towards her with anger simmering.

"I-I can't stay here any longer. I need to go back to my life." Noor's voice trembling.

The look he was giving her was deadly.
She knew she shouldn't have tried to run
but that was her instinct. Her rational
thoughts are clouding her mind.

"Don't even think of running, this is your first and last warning." He spoke in a deadly calm voice.

Haidar grabs her arm firmly "Your life? You think you have a life outside of this? You belong to me now."

Noor struggling to free herself. "No, I don't belong to anyone! Let me go."

"Haidar's voice hardening "You're mine, You don't get to decide when this ends."

Noor's tears welling up. "Please, I'm begging you. I'll do anything. Just let me go.

"No, You're not going anywhere. You're mine, and you'll stay here until I say otherwise."

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