♡CHAPTER 7 {Look At Me}♡

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As Haidar stormed into his room, his anger radiated like a storm brewing within. His usually composed demeanor was shattered, replaced by a fierce fury that seemed to consume him.

The events of the evening replayed in his mind, each moment fueling his frustration. He paced back and forth, trying to make sense of Noor's actions.

"Why would she do something so foolish?" Haidar muttered to himself, his voice tinged with exasperation.

He had provided for Noor, offered her a safe haven, and yet she had attempted to escape. His thoughts turned to the punishment he intended to impose. He believed in discipline, in ensuring that actions had consequences. Noor needed to understand the severity of her actions and the impact they had on everyone involved.

Jenny, Alex, and Russo had gathered in the living room, their worry palpable as they exchanged concerned glances. They knew something had gone terribly wrong with Noor, but the fear of Haidar's wrath kept them from broaching the subject.

Jenny bit her lip nervously, stealing glances at Haidar's closed door. She had never seen him this angry before, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

"We can't just ignore this," she whispered to Alex and Russo, her voice trembling with concern. Alex nodded in agreement, his expression grim.

"But how do we approach him? He's not in a state to listen right now." Russo, always the voice of reason, spoke up.

"We need to give him some time to cool off. Once he's calmer, we can discuss what happened and figure out how to help Noor." Hours passed in tense silence, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken worries. Finally, as evening approached, Haidar emerged from his room, his expression still stormy but less volatile than before.

Jenny mustered up her courage and approached him cautiously.

"Mr. Khan, we're all very concerned about Noor. Is everything alright?" Haidar's jaw clenched, but he managed to keep his voice steady.

"No, everything is not alright."

Jenny gasped. "Is she okay?"

Haidar's gaze hardened as he replied,
"She's confined in basement. I'll deal with her punishment later."

Jenny exchanged worried glances with Alex and Russo, their concern for Noor growing by the minute.

The conversation was tense, but Jenny felt a glimmer of hope that they could find a way to help Noor through this difficult time.

As Haidar retreated back to his room, the others exchanged worried looks, their thoughts consumed by the fate of their troubled young ward.



As Noor woke up in the dimly lit basement, her mind immediately went back to the unsettling events of the previous night. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she recalled Haidar's intense anger and how close he had been to her, his presence almost suffocating.

Fear gripped her heart as she thought about what might happen next. She had never seen Haidar so furious, and the memory of his anger made her tremble. Her thoughts raced, replaying the scenes from last night over and over again.

Just as she was trying to calm herself down, Just then, as if fate was testing her resolve, the only dim light in the basement flickered and then vanished, plunging Noor into total darkness. Her heart raced, and her breaths came in short, shallow gasps as her nyctophobia kicked in, amplifying her terror.

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