♡CHAPTER 11 {Bondings}♡

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Chapter 11: Bondings

Russo and Noor were gathered in the living room, sipping on their evening tea when Alex walked in, a dreamy look on his face.

Russo raised an eyebrow. "What's got you looking like you just won the lottery?"

Alex blushed slightly and tried to play it cool. "Oh, nothing. Just had a nice chat with Ana earlier."

Noor's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Oh, just a 'nice chat,' huh? Tell us more about this 'nice chat'."

Alex shifted uncomfortably, sensing where this conversation was going. "It was just a casual conversation. We talked about movies and books."

Russo leaned in, a teasing grin on his face. "Ah, the classic 'movies and books' chat. Very romantic, Alex."

Noor couldn't contain her laughter. "Come on, Alex, we all know you've been harboring a crush on Ana for ages. Why not just admit it?"

Alex tried to deflect, but his blush gave him away. "I don't have a crush on her. We're just friends."

Russo and Noor exchanged knowing looks. "Sure, just friends who write poems in their spare time and blush whenever she's around,"

Russo teased.Noor jumped in with her playful banter. "And let's not forget the way you stumble over your words whenever she compliments you."

Alex sighed, realizing he was outnumbered. "Okay, okay, maybe I do like her. But please, don't make a big deal out of it."

Russo patted him on the back. "Don't worry, Alex. Your secret crush is safe with us... for now."

Noor winked at him. "But who knows, maybe one day you'll work up the courage to ask her out."

Alex smiled sheepishly.

As the teasing continued, Noor couldn't resist adding a bit more spice to the conversation.

Noor leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "You know, Alex, I heard Ana talking about how much she loves guys who can cook. Maybe you should whip up a romantic dinner for her?"

Russo chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sure she'll be swooning over your culinary skills, Alex."

Alex rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Cooking is not my forte, guys. I think I'll stick to heartfelt conversations and maybe a bouquet of flowers."

Noor pretended to swoon dramatically. "Oh, how romantic! A bouquet of flowers and deep conversations. Ana won't know what hit her!"

Russo joined in, adding fuel to the fire. "Just make sure you don't accidentally recite a love poem instead of discussing the latest movie with her."

Alex laughed, realizing his friends were enjoying this a bit too much. "Okay, okay, I get it. You two love to tease. But seriously, let's keep this between us, okay?"

Russo and Noor exchanged a look of mock innocence. "Of course, Alex, your secret crush is safe with us... until the next time Ana walks by, that is!"

The banter continued, lightening the mood and creating a sense of camaraderie among the friends as they teased and joked, knowing that beneath it all was a genuine bond of friendship and support.



The day had slipped into the late hours of the night when Haidar returned from work. As he entered the house, he noticed the warm glow of the kitchen lights and faint murmurs of activity.

Curious, he followed the sound and light, finding Noor in the kitchen, clad in her comfortable night suit with her hair slightly disheveled.

Surprised to see her still awake, Haidar asked with a mix of concern and curiosity, "What are you doing up this late?"

Startled by his sudden appearance, Noor turned around quickly, her expression a mix of surprise and a hint of nervousness. "Ohh, I was just getting some water. Couldn't sleep," she replied, trying to sound casual.

Haidar, noticing her unease, decided to lighten the mood. "Well, since you're here, would you mind serving me dinner? I'm quite hungry after a long day."

Noor agreed with a nod, her nerves settling as she busied herself in the kitchen, preparing a meal for him. She set the plate in front of Haidar as he sat down at the table.

"Did you have your dinner?" He asked.

Noor nodded. "Yes. I ate earlier."

As Haidar began eating, he observed Noor standing nearby, watching him silently. Her presence brought a sense of comfort to the late night meal. He finished his dinner.

The quiet moment shared over dinner felt like a peaceful pause amidst their busy lives, creating a subtle bond between them in the stillness of the night.

As Haidar finished his meal, he leaned back in his chair, his gaze shifting from the empty plate to Noor. "Thank you for the dinner."

Noor nodded, a soft smile lingering on her lips. "You're welcome," she replied, a hint of warmth in her voice.

The kitchen was filled with a cozy ambiance, the only sounds being the gentle clinking of utensils and the occasional rustle as Noor tidied up. Haidar watched her move about, noticing the care she put into everything she did.

As Noor finished cleaning up, she turned to Haidar. "Is there anything else you need?" she asked politely.

Haidar shook his head, a content expression on his face. "No, everything, was perfect." he replied, a genuine appreciation in his tone.

Noor smiled warmly, feeling a sense of accomplishment at having served him well. "I'll head to bed now. Have a good night," she said before turning to leave the kitchen.

Haidar watched her leave, a sense of gratitude and admiration filling his heart. He realized how much he valued Noor's presence and her efforts to make his evening comfortable.

As he sat in the quiet kitchen, he couldn't help but feel a growing fondness for her, a feeling that went beyond just gratitude for her gestures.

As Noor left the kitchen, Haidar sat in thoughtful silence. He couldn't shake off the feeling of warmth that Noor's presence had brought into the room. It was more than just a comfortable dinner; it was a moment of connection that he hadn't anticipated.

Lost in his thoughts, Haidar reflected on how Noor had handled the situation with such grace and kindness. Despite the late hour and her tiredness, she had still gone out of her way to ensure he had a proper meal.

Feeling a sense of responsibility, Haidar decided to check on Noor before retiring for the night. He found her in her room, sitting by the window and gazing at the night sky. The soft moonlight illuminated her face, giving her an ethereal glow.

As Haidar settled into bed, he couldn't shake off the feeling of admiration and appreciation for Noor. There was something special about her, something that made him want to understand her more, beyond the surface of their interactions.

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